Fuck this shit I am done


Throughout the last 180 or so years when a man gets so fed up with the fucking bullshit there has always been a place to go to vent that anger......French Foreign Legion! Not hard to believe but there IT section actually works and functions. Check out the website. For those who dare it becomes home. They fight for France but swear allegiance only to themselves...the Legion. Sounds good doesn't it?! It would be nice to have your back constantly watched for a change. After this last year I need to send some rounds down range.
Only thing that sucks is learning the language. If you go go all the way - 2nd REP (green berets and winged dagger)


Throughout the last 180 or so years when a man gets so fed up with the fucking bullshit there has always been a place to go to vent that anger......French Foreign Legion! Not hard to believe but there IT section actually works and functions. Check out the website. For those who dare it becomes home. They fight for France but swear allegiance only to themselves...the Legion. Sounds good doesn't it?! It would be nice to have your back constantly watched for a change. After this last year I need to send some rounds down range.
Only thing that sucks is learning the language. If you go go all the way - 2nd REP (green berets and winged dagger)

Listen up! Everyone knows this Country's primary enemy goes by nick name "Dairy Queen". Your mission is to sweep the perimeter, blow the Claymores, and then neutralize your target. Is that clear?

That is all...

Relax! You're all part of the Pfizer Foreign Legion, the foreign part referring to all territory outside of Manhattan. You can expect to fight, fuck and be fucked until you your career is killed in action taking some barren hill that senior management then spent a ton of money on only to sell it off cheap later.......

Relax! You're all part of the Pfizer Foreign Legion, the foreign part referring to all territory outside of Manhattan. You can expect to fight, fuck and be fucked until you your career is killed in action taking some barren hill that senior management then spent a ton of money on only to sell it off cheap later.......

Exactly. Sack up and join the party.

Relax! You're all part of the Pfizer Foreign Legion, the foreign part referring to all territory outside of Manhattan. You can expect to fight, fuck and be fucked until you your career is killed in action taking some barren hill that senior management then spent a ton of money on only to sell it off cheap later.......

Exactly! Time to sack up.