Four years in?


It doesn’t matter what anyone says. Simply take a look at the vast amount of weekly job openings. Actions speak louder than words and good people are continuing to leave this hell hole for greener pastures.

It will be interesting to see who leaves when Sage, Biogen, and Axsome finish their expansions. ITCI sucks. Had a chance to be better and different. Leadership chose to go the traditional boiler room force rank route. Too bad. Caplyta is an awesome product.

It will be interesting to see who leaves when Sage, Biogen, and Axsome finish their expansions. ITCI sucks. Had a chance to be better and different. Leadership chose to go the traditional boiler room force rank route. Too bad. Caplyta is an awesome product.

Senior leadership lacks innovation and talent. A bunch of big pharma retreads recycling what they were taught at BMS, Novartis, AZ, etc. Hanging onto tactics that worked in 1996. They don’t understand the industry has changed. Look at the turnover. How many RBMs abandoned ship since launch? That says a lot about senior leaders.

Left a year ago. Best decision I made. Such a stressful, toxic culture at ITCI. Fact is the leadership does not care as long as their stock is where they think it should be.

Left a year ago. Best decision I made. Such a stressful, toxic culture at ITCI. Fact is the leadership does not care as long as their stock is where they think it should be.

You left out tone deaf, uncaring and inhumane. Leaders here don’t care about any of us or how we are doing. The weekly number and ranking is all that matters. So disappointing.

Strangest place I ever worked. Everyone in leadership is so worried about their stock package. They will run you into the ground without any regard for you or your family and well being. Funny how a company dedicated to mental health destroys the mental health of their employees daily. It’s only going to get worse. Pray for a buyout.

Strangest place I ever worked. Everyone in leadership is so worried about their stock package. They will run you into the ground without any regard for you or your family and well being. Funny how a company dedicated to mental health destroys the mental health of their employees daily. It’s only going to get worse. Pray for a buyout.
It will get worse as the stock price climbs and all the “paper millionaires” circle the wagons to protect their own interest.

I’m an original hire. When we started, this company was a great place to work. The last two years it’s become an ugly, backstabbing cesspool. So many PIPs and warnings. I watched people on my team, including our manager, struggle and fight through the stress and anxiety every day. It’s sickening. I hate it here now. Working on my exit. I don’t even care about leaving my bonus and stock behind. The negative impact this place has on my mental and physical health is just not worth it.

I’m an original hire. When we started, this company was a great place to work. The last two years it’s become an ugly, backstabbing cesspool. So many PIPs and warnings. I watched people on my team, including our manager, struggle and fight through the stress and anxiety every day. It’s sickening. I hate it here now. Working on my exit. I don’t even care about leaving my bonus and stock behind. The negative impact this place has on my mental and physical health is just not worth it.
The field is full of hysterical children