Former Wyeth/Pfizer rep arrested in Florida...

Thanks for checking in, Bill...

This is not Bill! It is someone who knows him and understands how he was systematically targeted due to his age and sexual orientation for elimination by the Pfizer Nazis who were, and remain, extremely jealous of WW. The only way they could build themselves up was to tear him down, but they failed. They are all still losers (you KNOW who you are!) and Wx2 is, as usual, coming out on top. I suspect this whole nonsense with the manual laborer trying to get him in trouble will ultimately end with a very large lawsuit and subsequent settlement, with Bill emerging victorious once again!

You can't keep a good man down!

My customers are still mad that Pfizer ran Bill off. He was viewed as a highly valued asset to their practices, and the reps there now just aren't reputable, respected, or anyway near as professional as Bill was.

My customers are still mad that Pfizer ran Bill off. He was viewed as a highly valued asset to their practices, and the reps there now just aren't reputable, respected, or anyway near as professional as Bill was.

I realize you have a lot of time on your hands (when you're not tossing fruit at manual laborers), but you really don't expect anyone to think you were ever held in high regard by customers or colleagues, do you Bill? This thread has gone from hillarious to painfully sad...

Get help...seriously!

Just for the record - this was not a former Wyeth / Pfizer rep. It was a Vietnam vet that threw an orange out of his apartment & it almost hit a construction worker. It has nothing to do with a rep.

I can't believe all the negativity and ill will being showered down upon poor Double-Dubya.. He was one of the hardest working, tenacious, and technically savvy reps in Pfizer history, and after he retires every turns on him, after all of the tireless effort he put forth on our behalf. The man was a sales GOD, walking amongst mere mortals. If you didn't learn from WW or weren't inspired by his unbelievable sales skills, I feel sorry for you. There will never be another sales rep as incredibly talented and successful as the Winkster. You people are not fit to breathe the same air as Wx2, let alone MAKE FUN OF HIM (and mark my words, these charges will all be proven false - just another attempt by bible-thumping conservatives to impugn the character of a man who refuses to live in a closet like Stonewall never happened or Harvey Milk or Barney Frank or Alana Kagan had stayed out of politics).

Fly the rainbow flag with pride and don't be intimidated by hetro haters who only WISH they had 1% of the talent, skills, and fashion sense you do!!!!!!!!!

p.s. Don't forgt to watch "GLEE" Tuesday nights @ 8pm EDT on FOX (??????? .... Never understood how the most fabulous show in history ended up on the same network as the Sean Hannity...)

pound for pound, you obviously back pack with the best of them, even sound wishful of rolling the winsker over yourself, jealous even....mmmmmm may be an ex old lederle dm or regional that routinely had to travel that favorite dark rear pathway...

Just for the record - this was not a former Wyeth / Pfizer rep. It was a Vietnam vet that threw an orange out of his apartment & it almost hit a construction worker. It has nothing to do with a rep.

Let me guess, he picked the Masters jacket out of a dumpster while dumpster diving for aluminum cans out behind the VA Hospital .... I'm sure if he was in the Army during 'Nam he blew the hell out of the enemy... And Allied forces... And civillians (mostly Ladyboys I reckon). The article doesn't mention his being a rep, but all of us in Florida side 2 know this taint tickler for the orange-fruit-salad-tossing backstabbing POS that he is...

He wrote dozens of creepy notes & cards to an attractive young female district teammate. So while I'll call BS on his being gay (bi perhaps, but not gay), i think he has pegged the Creep-O-Meter. Every customer who ever mentioned his name said essentially the same thing - that he was the weirdest, creepiest rep they'd ever dealt with.

So at least you're #1 in something, Winky.... Creeping people out!

Why so much hate? The Winkster is gone, reduced to throwing fruit at sexy, shirtless construction workers from his condo balcony. Can we let an old fruit simply rot in the Florida sunshine? He can't hurt us anymore, unless we walk under his balcony.

I almost feel sorry for him. Can't even lure a sweaty, muscular, shirtless male road worker into his beachfront Florida condo for a little afternoon delight. How terribly sad... He'll probably end up being murdered by a male prostitute he meets on Craigslist., or getting the High 5 from an unprotected diseased footlong. Say no to unprotected backdoor intrusion Winky! 10 minutes of messy choco-cream-splooge "fun" isn't worth it...

If only all the legacy Wyeth reps were as totally amazing as WW, we would be applauding that merger. Instead, we got a bunch of reps who will never match the Winkster's total domination of the Pharma marketplace.

Jealous much? All of you Wx2 Haters can SUCK IT!!!

If only all the legacy Wyeth reps were as totally amazing as WW, we would be applauding that merger. Instead, we got a bunch of reps who will never match the Winkster's total domination of the Pharma marketplace.

Jealous much? All of you Wx2 Haters can SUCK IT!!!

I knew the Winkster and all of the above posts are spot on. He was a very creepy, a very flambouyant, and a very conniving tool.

If this clown was your hero, then please seek serious professional, mental health counseling.

I knew the Winkster and all of the above posts are spot on. He was a very creepy, a very flambouyant, and a very conniving tool.

If this clown was your hero, then please seek serious professional, mental health counseling.

This man is a highly decorated hero of the Vietnam War. Hundreds of old Viet Cong and North Vietnamese combat veterans were interviewed for a PBS documentary last year, and many of them spoke of the nightmares they continue to have of a fabulously dressed, elegantly coiffed, incredibly poised and talented Ladyboy who was an absolute killing machine. I think they lost something in the translation though, because they said this American GI "blew an entire division of Viet Cong & NVA regulars" when I think they meant "blew UP an entire division of Viet Cong & NVA regulars".

So let's stop attacking this hero. Unless of course you want to take on the entire Godless hordes of Indo-Chinese commie bastards without so much as a chapstick & a pair of kneepads.