Former Wyeth/Pfizer rep arrested in Florida...



You know the fruit threw the fruit to get the construction worker's attention.

I just love Karma. That hershey highwayman screwed over one of my speakers years ago.

I didn't know Pfizer let him go. Was it during the buyout or the last purging?


You know the fruit threw the fruit to get the construction worker's attention.

I just love Karma. That hershey highwayman screwed over one of my speakers years ago.

I didn't know Pfizer let him go. Was it during the buyout or the last purging?

If you were to ask Orange Julius he'd say he "retired". If you ask HR they'll only confirm his dates of employment. Let's just say that Grand-ma-ma Fruitloops' retirement was about as voluntary as any of the losers' on "The Apprentice".

You do have to love his wardrobe choice for the TV news interview... I believe that's from JC Penny's "Shades of Green" collection, suitable for wearing when stashing pots 'o gold, Lucky Charms, or economy-sized tubes of Astroglide... And he better hope the cops don't notice that dead varmint on top of his noggin or he'll wind up back in jail (which he would probably enjoy, especially if he's a size queen - the Ft. Pierce jail supposedly has more foot longs than Coney Island...).

This joker should be "Exhibit A" when Pfizer Legal explains the importance of eliminating nepotism from corporate hiring & promotion decision-making...

Gotta love the Masters Jacket!

More like Masters-bate jacket... If you read the linked article in the first post (and watch the video) it says he was wearing only BOXERS... you just know he was trying to show the construction crew his bits & pieces, at which point they probably laughed at his micro-junk, prompting the fruit ASSault...

I realize Pfizer has canned a lot of great reps over the past 7 years, but this perv wasn't one of them. Some of the people we flushed really needed to go. Especially Agent Orange...

I think the vast majority of Wyeth reps brought onboard have worked out great. But this P.O.S. really brought down the Wyeth average. At least the RM who hired him at Wyeth got canned (and yes, it was his BROTHER). I think the former RM was sleeping on Agent Orange's sofa for a while after the layoffs. But then again they might have been sleeping in the same single bed for all I know. Fruits will be fruits...

The sad thing is that a good rep was let go after the Wyeth acquisition so that Agent Orange could be retained. And I will bet a year's salary that he wouldn't have made the cut if he hadn't been the brother of a Wyeth RM. Once we realized just how pathetic a rep he was (and a walking compliance violation), he was ushered out, but not before he attempted to trash the reputation of everyone around him (even a few people who liked or felt sorry for him). Rather than admit he screwed the pooch (too many times to count), he chose to drag others down as he circled the drain.

IMHO, he got what he deserved from good old Karma. The arrest and trip down to the pokey are just icing on the cake. Of course, he was probably hoping to get the "Shawshank" prostate screening from his cellmate, so perhaps jail isn't much of a deterent to his violent behavior.

Hey folks, despite your negative thoughts on this guy, this is a typical attempt for someone to hit the lottery with a lawsuit. Lawyers and this mentality have changed America. Look around. Any issue regarding healthcare, insurance, regulations...anything, is all from a lawyer. Being in the healthcare industry, you better watch out what you wish for.

Don't laugh, this could happen to you! I mean being assaulted by a fruit, not actually throwing the offending orange. Only a complete loser does something that stupid...

I can't believe all the negativity and ill will being showered down upon poor Double-Dubya.. He was one of the hardest working, tenacious, and technically savvy reps in Pfizer history, and after he retires every turns on him, after all of the tireless effort he put forth on our behalf. The man was a sales GOD, walking amongst mere mortals. If you didn't learn from WW or weren't inspired by his unbelievable sales skills, I feel sorry for you. There will never be another sales rep as incredibly talented and successful as the Winkster. You people are not fit to breathe the same air as Wx2, let alone MAKE FUN OF HIM (and mark my words, these charges will all be proven false - just another attempt by bible-thumping conservatives to impugn the character of a man who refuses to live in a closet like Stonewall never happened or Harvey Milk or Barney Frank or Alana Kagan had stayed out of politics).

Fly the rainbow flag with pride and don't be intimidated by hetro haters who only WISH they had 1% of the talent, skills, and fashion sense you do!!!!!!!!!

p.s. Don't forgt to watch "GLEE" Tuesday nights @ 8pm EDT on FOX (??????? .... Never understood how the most fabulous show in history ended up on the same network as the Sean Hannity...)