Former King rep, now Pfizer...tablet question


Now that we are here for an indetermined period of time, I'm wondering if someone can give us the 411 on the tablet pc's that we should be getting in a few weeks. specifically, what are the amangement expectations/requirements around tablet use? Currently, we get signatures on our Toshiba laptops, but use paper Visual aids for detailing. Managers have their own preferences, but if the biz was growing, they glossed over the reach/frequency numbers. I mean, if you are GROWING, you are growing, right? How does Pfizer evaluate reach/frequency, screen taps, etc???


Now that we are here for an indetermined period of time, I'm wondering if someone can give us the 411 on the tablet pc's that we should be getting in a few weeks. specifically, what are the amangement expectations/requirements around tablet use? Currently, we get signatures on our Toshiba laptops, but use paper Visual aids for detailing. Managers have their own preferences, but if the biz was growing, they glossed over the reach/frequency numbers. I mean, if you are GROWING, you are growing, right? How does Pfizer evaluate reach/frequency, screen taps, etc???

Depends on division and boss, we have no samples so we enter a call via CUE, similar to detail only calls just with CUE. Million(s) dollar joke, nothing is expected as far using it to make calls - doctors hate it.

B side reps (including King) sample so expect to be chained to your tablet. R & F is the most important thing. Get ready to scramble when your lat hadn't made it's quarterly number on a prescriber. We have trackers that track trackers and reports that track which slide you used on which call for how long. Welcome to admin hell.

Now that we are here for an indetermined period of time, I'm wondering if someone can give us the 411 on the tablet pc's that we should be getting in a few weeks. specifically, what are the amangement expectations/requirements around tablet use? Currently, we get signatures on our Toshiba laptops, but use paper Visual aids for detailing. Managers have their own preferences, but if the biz was growing, they glossed over the reach/frequency numbers. I mean, if you are GROWING, you are growing, right? How does Pfizer evaluate reach/frequency, screen taps, etc???

Fujitsu jackass, where do u work. Not king.

ICue totally sucks. It's slow and difficult to use in the field, slows down the whole process. You'll find your self messing with iCue trying to bring up some screen, when you should be making eye contact with the doc. I hate it and the doctors hate it too.

Fujitsu jackass, where do u work. Not king.

OP here. Yes, it is Fujitsu you anal retentive little weasel. I made a simple mistake. Deal with it. Its a fucking computer, ok?!? I've been here for three long fucking years, and can't wait to lose the King clip-on nametag, in part because there are little douchebags like you that are allowed to work here. Please post your territory#, so I can come over and kick your ass.

OP here. Yes, it is Fujitsu you anal retentive little weasel. I made a simple mistake. Deal with it. Its a fucking computer, ok?!? I've been here for three long fucking years, and can't wait to lose the King clip-on nametag, in part because there are little douchebags like you that are allowed to work here. Please post your territory#, so I can come over and kick your ass.

we have name tags? when did we get those? you wear yours? really? thing ever, really.
no selling skills required, no eye contact required, no personal skills required, no conversation required, no closing skill required, no pre call planning required, no thinking required, no roll plays required, no probing required, no nothing required!!
Just read the preloaded slide & you'll have it made.
Give em what they want. READ the slide. Best way to get good coaching reviews.
just work the process. dont try to be effective.
LOL give em what they want & you'll be fine.

How much lee-way do we have using the tablet, can we hold calls and signatures until later in the day? Can the devise determine where we are in the field? How long does management take to catch up to us, as we sandbag our calls? What if the battery charge ran out, and I forgot my car charger? These are the important questions we former king reps have.

How much lee-way do we have using the tablet, can we hold calls and signatures until later in the day? Can the devise determine where we are in the field? How long does management take to catch up to us, as we sandbag our calls? What if the battery charge ran out, and I forgot my car charger? These are the important questions we former king reps have.

You are gonna fail and quickly

How much lee-way do we have using the tablet, can we hold calls and signatures until later in the day? Can the devise determine where we are in the field? How long does management take to catch up to us, as we sandbag our calls? What if the battery charge ran out, and I forgot my car charger? These are the important questions we former king reps have.

This post better be fake or you are just an assclown. The "devise" is really a device you douche and it has a chip in it that traces your every move. Don't every bring your car charger with you because that makes too much sense. Don't make any calls until Friday and enter them all on the weekend to catch up. Just get enough sigs on Friday to make it look like you work all week, that's what we do. Your DM will love that.