
Talk about the AZ culture and "doing the right thing". How in the world is Stephanie DiNuzio still employed???!!!! She was found guilty by a jury...A JURY!!!

Not only did she loose a case for her incredible bad behavior, non other then Back Door Bob Gilot promoted her to specialty Commercial Business Director. To make it sting a bit more, the former manager reported the violations to HR. What action did they take, cover it up. I'm disgusted a the PULSE surveys that put out to us only to allow people like her to keep being a terrible person.

Fired AstraZeneca Sales Manager Wins $2.4 Million in Retaliation Case


Talk about the AZ culture and "doing the right thing". How in the world is Stephanie DiNuzio still employed???!!!! She was found guilty by a jury...A JURY!!!

Not only did she loose a case for her incredible bad behavior, non other then Back Door Bob Gilot promoted her to specialty Commercial Business Director. To make it sting a bit more, the former manager reported the violations to HR. What action did they take, cover it up. I'm disgusted a the PULSE surveys that put out to us only to allow people like her to keep being a terrible person.

Fired AstraZeneca Sales Manager Wins $2.4 Million in Retaliation Case
Did you forget who's Stephanie DiNuzio's Manager....Back door Bob. and who's her HR......TH!!!! What else do you expect from them??? Look at all people they promote and you'll get the answer!!!!

I used to work as a manager under her. Lets just say that we need universal mental health care. That women has issues. She is a super micro manager, total insecure freak. Its no shock she is on her 3rd 3, its not the guys who are psyco, its her. I can't tell you what a relief it was when she got promoted. Good luck outlasting her.....she's got some dirt on someone high up because her behavior is exactly like I read in the link.

BACKDOOR BOB!!! Who would have guessed he wasn't smart enough to use this tool called Google to look her name up. It was a Federal Law suit Whistle Blower. WTF That's not a disgruntled employee. Our asses would be fired for just thinking off label do I get this type of position where I can do whatever I want and still keep my job. AZ must have a lot of pocket change to keep this person around and not be upset over a federal lawsuit

PULSE surveys are a joke. Look at the actions, not the words.

You get to a certain level or work real hard to get to a desired level, you will eat your young. A great many psycho and sociopaths. But as you would expect, the people who exhibit those behaviors do not see them in themselves.

I have never heard a good word about her and all of my interactions with her support what I read in the law suit.

Have lost all respect for AZ to stand by this person who does not represent what we’re “supposed to be about “

So if the guilty party is just one specific individual, why is the company liable and forced to come up with the cash? Should the individual responsible for the ILLEGAL behavior be made to pay out the millions s owed? Wouldn’t that be justified? Wouldn’t that send a clear message that behavior like this won’t be tolerated? What message is AZ sending that it is happy to pay out fines without any king of visible punishment to the guilty party?

So if the guilty party is just one specific individual, why is the company liable and forced to come up with the cash? Should the individual responsible for the ILLEGAL behavior be made to pay out the millions s owed? Wouldn’t that be justified? Wouldn’t that send a clear message that behavior like this won’t be tolerated? What message is AZ sending that it is happy to pay out fines without any king of visible punishment to the guilty party?
Companies carry liability insurance for such things. It’s called employment practices liability insurance. Like healthcare or auto, the actuaries will review the claims and adjust premiums accordingly for the next contract year. AZ may even do additional training if managers as part of the attempt to reduce premiums or claims in the future.

Zubie got fired for less with his buckets of money comments. This was textbook bullying AND scheming to promote off-label???? Seems like good reasons to send her packing!!!