For Those That Didn't Feel The Ground Shake...Reps Were Layed off today!


Hello Pfizer friends,

For those of you that didn't feel the 5.0 earthquake this morning, we just endured another round of layoffs in the sales force.

The last remaining reps, total of 30 nationwide, from the former PSYCH division were let go. They were out in the field working and got phone calls from their respective Regional Managers that they'd been eliminated. No warning from anyone that this was coming, not even the District Managers knew this was in the works.

Pfizer is now officially out of all Psych offices, all other reps selling Pristiq will hand over their Psych accounts to AstraZeneca.

This is very scary for all of us, when the next round of cuts come their will be NO WARNING.


Hello Pfizer friends,

For those of you that didn't feel the 5.0 earthquake this morning, we just endured another round of layoffs in the sales force.

The last remaining reps, total of 30 nationwide, from the former PSYCH division were let go. They were out in the field working and got phone calls from their respective Regional Managers that they'd been eliminated. No warning from anyone that this was coming, not even the District Managers knew this was in the works.

Pfizer is now officially out of all Psych offices, all other reps selling Pristiq will hand over their Psych accounts to AstraZeneca.

This is very scary for all of us, when the next round of cuts come their will be NO WARNING.

"They were out in the field working and got phone calls from their respective Regional Managers that they'd been eliminated.'

come on! we know this group hasn't went to work a day since last fall of the psych division.

Hello Pfizer friends,

For those of you that didn't feel the 5.0 earthquake this morning, we just endured another round of layoffs in the sales force.

The last remaining reps, total of 30 nationwide, from the former PSYCH division were let go. They were out in the field working and got phone calls from their respective Regional Managers that they'd been eliminated. No warning from anyone that this was coming, not even the District Managers knew this was in the works.

Pfizer is now officially out of all Psych offices, all other reps selling Pristiq will hand over their Psych accounts to AstraZeneca.

This is very scary for all of us, when the next round of cuts come their will be NO WARNING.

AZ rep here--is this true? If it is I am very sorry for you. We just went through a large lay off ourselves so know the feeling. Best wishes