As an OBU rep who was let go yesterday, some of the above posts are right on target.
When I served, you were only as strong as your weakest link. And everyone, at some time or another, was the weak link. The team rallied around that person and did everything they could to get them back on track. That's leadership.
After almost a year and a half with my ECP's, many of whom were skeptical of Xiidra or found it difficult to change the Allergan habit, the tide was beginning to turn.
They tolerated the invasion of the NBU because of me, they tolerated the incessant calls with my clueless RD because of me, they tolerated the Niinja bullshit because of me. That's a relationship.
But when I called to cancel my lunch yesterday with a large group, and they asked why, and I told them, there tolerance for Shire and Xiidra ended, period.
I don't say this to wish any ill will on the OBU or Shire. Only to highlight the fact that knee-jerk leadershiip and false promises from Shire will no longer be tolerated by the reps or our customers.