Financial Woes Reduce AstraZeneca's Industry Profile

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 (election day), DJIA closing price: 9625.25

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 (day after Obama was elected), DJIA closing price: 9139.27

That's about a 500 point drop. The DJIA went down below 7,000 soon after that. And the liberals talk about the conservatives rewriting history.

Most of the things liberals claim are lies.
that's some very selective use of data - does your job involve writing the press releases for AZ's clinical trial data?!

The Dow had already dropped from 13,500 to 9,000 from summer 2008 to October 2008. A drop of 4,500, or 33% - the crash was in free-fall before Obama got elected. It continued dropping to 7,000 by March 2009 but by the end of 2009, after one year of Obama being in power the Dow was at 10,500, over 1,000pts un compared to when he was elected. I'm no fan of Obama's handling of the economy but to try to pin the 2008 crash on him is absurd.

And, the news reported that after every election where a democrat wins, the dow drops. That is every single election not just Obama. You two narrow headed dips really believe the problem is ONE PERSON? Come on. The system is broken and neither candidate had or has a solution.

And, the news reported that after every election where a democrat wins, the dow drops. That is every single election not just Obama. You two narrow headed dips really believe the problem is ONE PERSON? Come on. The system is broken and neither candidate had or has a solution.

True; the market is broken. As long as the top 1% or 2% control up to 50% of America's earnings, the economy will flutter...and possibly fail.
It is the middle class that has always supported our economy, but under the present tax precedents along with demise of unionism in America, there is very little money in the average American pay check anymore to pay our country's debt, much less improve our standard of living.
It is not our entitlements that constitute so much of a problem (they can easily be made whole again with congressional agreements involving minor revenue increases), but changes to our long term problems, and how we solve them....such as climate change, our failing roads and bridges, energy improvements, and education for our peoples....are really the key to the future. Just as FDR rebuilt America after the depression, building not retrenching is the way we must go. Making more money for the rich is not the answer, never was, and never will be.
Going foward is not only a slogan, it is a reality, and the real and true way a capitalist system should work.

True; the market is broken. As long as the top 1% or 2% control up to 50% of America's earnings, the economy will flutter...and possibly fail.
It is the middle class that has always supported our economy, but under the present tax precedents along with demise of unionism in America, there is very little money in the average American pay check anymore to pay our country's debt, much less improve our standard of living.
It is not our entitlements that constitute so much of a problem (they can easily be made whole again with congressional agreements involving minor revenue increases), but changes to our long term problems, and how we solve them....such as climate change, our failing roads and bridges, energy improvements, and education for our peoples....are really the key to the future. Just as FDR rebuilt America after the depression, building not retrenching is the way we must go. Making more money for the rich is not the answer, never was, and never will be.
Going foward is not only a slogan, it is a reality, and the real and true way a capitalist system should work.

Good post but the filthy rich run the country and maybe the globe. They control everything including the media and the government. They will never vote themselves tax increases or anything that won't make them wealthier. They are not creating jobs and they are not being taxed. The government provides too many shelters and options for the very rich to "hide" their money. I doubt until it all crumbles and we become a third world nation with no structure to support even them, they will realize what has happened and they won't care. Heck, they don't care. Greed and corruption are a systemic disease. Worse than cancer, you cannot stop it or cure it. The system is truly broken. Personally, I am thinking of leaving the country while I have any money at all and can still withdrawal what I have from the bank. Soon, even that right might be taken away from Americans.

that's some very selective use of data - does your job involve writing the press releases for AZ's clinical trial data?!

The Dow had already dropped from 13,500 to 9,000 from summer 2008 to October 2008. A drop of 4,500, or 33% - the crash was in free-fall before Obama got elected. It continued dropping to 7,000 by March 2009 but by the end of 2009, after one year of Obama being in power the Dow was at 10,500, over 1,000pts un compared to when he was elected. I'm no fan of Obama's handling of the economy but to try to pin the 2008 crash on him is absurd.

The day Obama was first elected. You call that a selective use of data?

That's like AZ running one of their little clinical trials and the day the patient takes the first pill he gets sick and it's downhill from there. The market went in to panic mode, big time.

You don't know what you're writing about.

that's some very selective use of data - does your job involve writing the press releases for AZ's clinical trial data?!

The Dow had already dropped from 13,500 to 9,000 from summer 2008 to October 2008. A drop of 4,500, or 33% - the crash was in free-fall before Obama got elected. It continued dropping to 7,000 by March 2009 but by the end of 2009, after one year of Obama being in power the Dow was at 10,500, over 1,000pts un compared to when he was elected. I'm no fan of Obama's handling of the economy but to try to pin the 2008 crash on him is absurd.

The day before Obama was elected, the dow was at 9600 and change. You call that 9000 and cite percentages, and give Obama credit that the facts show he's not due (the recovery you cite is less than 1000 points) and claim that you're not an Obama fan.

Good thing you're not a doctor calling on me. One incident like that and I'd give your card to the front desk for the "no see" list.

And, the news reported that after every election where a democrat wins, the dow drops. That is every single election not just Obama. You two narrow headed dips really believe the problem is ONE PERSON? Come on. The system is broken and neither candidate had or has a solution.

Romney had a good solution and a track record of making things happen. Open up the oil lines from Alaska, work on energy independence and not pie in the sky "green" programs, cut taxes to stimulate employment, etc.

Obama's plan was to give his voters stuff. Free stuff beat the free market. We'll see how long our standard of living in the USA remains high. I think Obama wants to take it down a notch.

The day Obama was first elected. You call that a selective use of data?

That's like AZ running one of their little clinical trials and the day the patient takes the first pill he gets sick and it's downhill from there. The market went in to panic mode, big time.

You don't know what you're writing about.

yes, I call ignoring the 4,500 point drop leading up to the election and only citing the 2,000pt drop after the election 'selective use of data'. The market went in to panic mode after Lehmans' not after Obama was elected.
I do know what I'm writing about - I'm writing about someone making a poor attempt at laying the blame for the 2008 crash on Obama.

The day before Obama was elected, the dow was at 9600 and change. You call that 9000 and cite percentages, and give Obama credit that the facts show he's not due (the recovery you cite is less than 1000 points) and claim that you're not an Obama fan.

Good thing you're not a doctor calling on me. One incident like that and I'd give your card to the front desk for the "no see" list.

I'm not giving Obama credit for anything, I'm saying he's not responsible for the 2008 crash. As for the 'recovery', if you can call it that, it is largely down to Bernanke's QE and running a massive deficit not true economic recovery. A bigger crash is likely coming when the bubble bursts those things come home to roost and the responsibility for that crash will be Obama's.

Romney had a good solution and a track record of making things happen. Open up the oil lines from Alaska, work on energy independence and not pie in the sky "green" programs, cut taxes to stimulate employment, etc.

Obama's plan was to give his voters stuff. Free stuff beat the free market. We'll see how long our standard of living in the USA remains high. I think Obama wants to take it down a notch.

Yeah...."free stuff" like the armed forces, social security, medicare, medicaid, the post office, the FBI and the CIA, etc.. I don't know from which reactionary moron that idiotic phrase came from, but it is a dead giveaway to the intelligence of anyone that uses it.
By the way, any time you want to give up any of that "free stuff" for yourself, your family or can easily be done....and I don't think the lines will be too long.

By the way....Obama also created the Iraqi war, Afganistan, the '29 depression, WW2, Korea, and possibly our Civil War.
I've also heard a rumor, I believe on keep this quiet....that Obama is black, no kidding!

By the way....Obama also created the Iraqi war, Afganistan, the '29 depression, WW2, Korea, and possibly our Civil War.
I've also heard a rumor, I believe on keep this quiet....that Obama is black, no kidding!
White mother, raised by white grandparents in Hawaii before attending Harvard not exactly your typical African American experience.

yes, I call ignoring the 4,500 point drop leading up to the election and only citing the 2,000pt drop after the election 'selective use of data'. The market went in to panic mode after Lehmans' not after Obama was elected.
I do know what I'm writing about - I'm writing about someone making a poor attempt at laying the blame for the 2008 crash on Obama.

It's not an attempt, it's a recognition.

Your numbers are slanted as already pointed out; you cite percentages when it suits your prejudiced argument in favor of the liberal agenda. You are clearly a liberal. I know that because you lie. Conservatives do not lie in order to make their points, and they don't have to. Liberals always lie in order to make their points, because they have to.

I've already posted one lie you tried to pass off, and here's another one: Adrop in the dow from the high of 14000 to 9625 is about 31%, under Bush, over a protracted bear market. A drop from 9625 the soon-to-follow low of 6630 in March is about 31%, in a crash of the market.

Doesn't matter what the facts are to a liberal, though, so go ahead and post some nice pro-Obama tripe. I'll think for myself. Now run along and get a sig, boy, and tell your DM what a difference your making in the world.

Yeah...."free stuff" like the armed forces, social security, medicare, medicaid, the post office, the FBI and the CIA, etc.. I don't know from which reactionary moron that idiotic phrase came from, but it is a dead giveaway to the intelligence of anyone that uses it.
By the way, any time you want to give up any of that "free stuff" for yourself, your family or can easily be done....and I don't think the lines will be too long.

16.5T in debt we are, Obe Wan. Not paid for. Gotten.

Free to a bum who doesn't intend to pay the CC bill.

Yeah...."free stuff" like the armed forces, social security, medicare, medicaid, the post office, the FBI and the CIA, etc.. I don't know from which reactionary moron that idiotic phrase came from, but it is a dead giveaway to the intelligence of anyone that uses it.
By the way, any time you want to give up any of that "free stuff" for yourself, your family or can easily be done....and I don't think the lines will be too long.

Soon no choice to give or receive -- gone it will be! Unless you pay for it. No money = no service for you to consume. No Bon Bons, maybe no running water. 16.5 T is big number. Little pharma rep paycheck .5 second of interest. Small minded are you! Deserve the fate you will reap.

It's not an attempt, it's a recognition.

Your numbers are slanted as already pointed out; you cite percentages when it suits your prejudiced argument in favor of the liberal agenda. You are clearly a liberal. I know that because you lie. Conservatives do not lie in order to make their points, and they don't have to. Liberals always lie in order to make their points, because they have to.

I've already posted one lie you tried to pass off, and here's another one: Adrop in the dow from the high of 14000 to 9625 is about 31%, under Bush, over a protracted bear market. A drop from 9625 the soon-to-follow low of 6630 in March is about 31%, in a crash of the market.

Doesn't matter what the facts are to a liberal, though, so go ahead and post some nice pro-Obama tripe. I'll think for myself. Now run along and get a sig, boy, and tell your DM what a difference your making in the world.
George Bush sr must be a liberal ("read my lips, no new taxes")

a 31% drop in the markets in a few months under Bush is not a 'crash' but a 31% drop in the markets in a few months under Obama IS as 'crash'....hmmmm...

White mother, raised by white grandparents in Hawaii before attending Harvard not exactly your typical African American experience.

Do you realize what a damn bigot you are?
I truly hope that you are not associated with AZ. I would be ashamed to be a member of any company that would hire and keep the likes of you.

Do you realize what a damn bigot you are?
I truly hope that you are not associated with AZ. I would be ashamed to be a member of any company that would hire and keep the likes of you.[/QUOT
That is always the way liberals respond by name calling. Instead, why don't you point out what part of this is not true. Was his mother white? Was he raised by her parents which would make them white grandparents? Did he grow up in Hawaii and attend Harvard?
Which of these are not true and if they are all true then how exactly does that make me a bigot?

Do you realize what a damn bigot you are?
I truly hope that you are not associated with AZ. I would be ashamed to be a member of any company that would hire and keep the likes of you.[/QUOT
That is always the way liberals respond by name calling. Instead, why don't you point out what part of this is not true. Was his mother white? Was he raised by her parents which would make them white grandparents? Did he grow up in Hawaii and attend Harvard?
Which of these are not true and if they are all true then how exactly does that make me a bigot?

You are nothing more than a first class bigot. What difference does it make if Im a reactionary or a liberal or even a person of color (which I'm not, by the way), To most Americans it doesn't really mattter....except to bigots like youself.
Just a simple question or two:

When did you graduate Harvard Law school and were the editor of the Harvard Law Review?

What year were you elected President of the U.S. by 52% of the voters?

When did you join the Nazi party?....we already know why!