Experienced Real Estate Broker Looking for Med Device Job..Help??


I am an experienced and top performing real estate broker in SC looking for a career change. Would love to get into med device or dental sales. I work hard but the real estate industry has major challenges that are making it almost impossible.
Im just getting started so any help would be greatly appreciated...Anyone else come from real estate? Any tips?


I am an experienced and top performing real estate broker in SC looking for a career change. Would love to get into med device or dental sales. I work hard but the real estate industry has major challenges that are making it almost impossible.
Im just getting started so any help would be greatly appreciated...Anyone else come from real estate? Any tips?

Never hired or known of any reputable device company to even grant an interview with real estate salesmen. You might as well have said experienced cobbler.

I am an experienced and top performing real estate broker in SC looking for a career change. Would love to get into med device or dental sales. I work hard but the real estate industry has major challenges that are making it almost impossible.
Im just getting started so any help would be greatly appreciated...Anyone else come from real estate? Any tips?

Isn't being a realtor a hobby?

maybe i dont want this career. must not keep you too busy if you have time to sit on chat boards and write stupid comments like these. thanks for the help. ill stick to $150k in my hobby as a cobbler

I am an experienced and top performing real estate broker in SC looking for a career change. Would love to get into med device or dental sales. I work hard but the real estate industry has major challenges that are making it almost impossible.
Im just getting started so any help would be greatly appreciated...Anyone else come from real estate? Any tips?

Put together a good resume and get it in the hands of recruiters. I would also use medreps.com. They have a lot of jobs posted there. Keep networking and good luck.

maybe i dont want this career. must not keep you too busy if you have time to sit on chat boards and write stupid comments like these. thanks for the help. ill stick to $150k in my hobby as a cobbler

two posts on cafepharma was all it took for you to reconsider the med device field? ha! Stick to being a cobbler you will not make it around here! best of luck YOUR gonna need it!

maybe i dont want this career. must not keep you too busy if you have time to sit on chat boards and write stupid comments like these. thanks for the help. ill stick to $150k in my hobby as a cobbler

Don't let most of the people on here get to you. They are disgruntled because they are making 100-120 working there ass off. You might want to look at som type of b to b sales. Copiers, adp, payroll, Cintas then jump to medical. I got in a little ove a year ago, won Rookie of the Year, then our entire sales force got let go. I had 4 great offers within a month. If you play your cards right, get in, then bust your butt, it is a great field to be in. Be prepared for mergers, acquisitions and divestures that will cause plenty of stress, but good people can always find jobs. A job at a top company can pay 225-350 so work hard and be patient, you can make it.

agree with the above poster but with your background it's no cake walk to break in. network with anyone and everyone you possible can that works in a clinical environment. going the b2b route would also be a great suggestion. you can make it, just be ready to pony the fuck up and stay determined until some one gives you a shot.

Don't let most of the people on here get to you. They are disgruntled because they are making 100-120 working there ass off. You might want to look at som type of b to b sales. Copiers, adp, payroll, Cintas then jump to medical. I got in a little ove a year ago, won Rookie of the Year, then our entire sales force got let go. I had 4 great offers within a month. If you play your cards right, get in, then bust your butt, it is a great field to be in. Be prepared for mergers, acquisitions and divestures that will cause plenty of stress, but good people can always find jobs. A job at a top company can pay 225-350 so work hard and be patient, you can make it.

225-350k? that's a pipe dream as of now. those opportunities are few and far between. Not to mention those jobs are usually never posted to the public and typically filled by word of mouth. not saying you can't make 300k but don't hold your breathe....

Ok.. So here is the deal from a Medical Recruiter who had twenty plus years carryin a bag as a Medical Sales Representative.
There are at least 100 Resumes and contacts every day to my office. These reps are all highly experienced top performers. Many of them are either unhappy in their current position or out of work. Sadly with all of the mergers this is going to be the norm for a while.
The best money is in highly complex lab services sales...ie Clarient, Genoptix,GenPath, and some of the smaller boutique labs. Some of these CBL treat new reps like crap and will fire you for exhaling at the wrong time. Others will give you a chance. In order to be in the game they will ask that you have at LEAST a B.S. usually in a Science..Biology, Chemistry, etc..A LOT and I mean A LOT of them want you to have worked in a pathology lab before having tried sales.
In the instrument field they look for ex-military, jocks and young motivated people to work harder than smarter. Instruments are paying $120K-$140K+/_ at plan. Pathology Labs $200-$400K at plan average around $225K. But with Labcorp and Quest taking over so many facilities we see the pay droping to about $150-160K.
All of the BtoB guys, real estate guys etc, always think the panecea is the lab/device or Pharma...Pharm is laying off more than hiring thanks to our great president (joke)...

Dental is not so hot...except if you sell lasers for Biolase or someone like that. Not sure of income used to be good but I cant say anymore. These companies will be more flexible but expect performance trending to plan very quickly.

Believe me when I say, try to find something else. The first question most of my clients will ask is "So you failed at real estate...dont blame the economy...you obviously are not agressive enough to compete...why do you think you can make it here?
Good luck!
Oh and most people on these boards are loosers who whine and complain and dont want another person competing with them for a job...me I just am trying to be a good person.

Being a top performing realtor means zero

The stigma on realtors is they dont sell anything. They dont work, they list a property on a website and maybe open some crackers for an open house. Or they drive someone around to homes they can afford and let them decide whet they want.

Go sell something hard for 5 years (uniforms, payroll, air freight, industrial sales) then come back when youve made a few presidents clubs junior...


Being a top performing realtor means zero

The stigma on realtors is they dont sell anything. They dont work, they list a property on a website and maybe open some crackers for an open house. Or they drive someone around to homes they can afford and let them decide whet they want.

Go sell something hard for 5 years (uniforms, payroll, air freight, industrial sales) then come back when youve made a few presidents clubs junior...


couldn't agree more. selling real estate is B.S. You open the door to a home and let the "potential" customers who are ALREADY looking for a home decide if they like it or not... a monkey can do that. Try selling a home to someone who already has one and see's no reason to buy a new home because they think their existing home has nothing wrong with it, that's what we do.......

couldn't agree more. selling real estate is B.S. You open the door to a home and let the "potential" customers who are ALREADY looking for a home decide if they like it or not... a monkey can do that. Try selling a home to someone who already has one and see's no reason to buy a new home because they think their existing home has nothing wrong with it, that's what we do.......

Kind of agree with you. Back in 1999 when I sold my house it was a pretty soft market. We had a 1800 Sfoot Raised Ranch with a view of a lake and access to the lake from the back yard. New Bathroom Kitchen, finished basement etc..Downfall was 1/4 acre where 2 + was the norm.

We had at least ten showings. Freaking agents brought people looking fo big yards, Mother-Daughters, % bedrooms, etc...It was like a circus. We evenb hired this Latino hot Momma that looked like the woman on Modern Family...Nothing.

Fianlly I was working from home one day when she brought a couple moving from the city. They were perfect. The freaking husbnad could not keep his eyes off her, the wife kept saying, ohh its far ohh its far. Well I freaking had it!!!!

I came out of my office and did some real selling like all of us on these boards do!! I was a high end capital rep ($350K+ deals in 1999!!). They left having made an offer and signing the initial paper work.

Wors't thing was..I had to pay the agent 5% commison for me Selling the FREAKING house!!

Most RA's are High School Grads or Divorced housewives that's the issue!!

I would not hire one for Medical Waste sales!

I think this Real Estate Agent killed himself...

He just vanished.

I am sick of people thinking that any and all medical related sales are where you go when your other selling craps out.

We are the most skilled, educated, trained and talented reps there are...Finished!!

I am talking everything from Dental Dams to DaVinci Surgery... All of us are far superior to all others!!

I think this Real Estate Agent killed himself...

He just vanished.

I am sick of people thinking that any and all medical related sales are where you go when your other selling craps out.

We are the most skilled, educated, trained and talented reps there are...Finished!!

I am talking everything from Dental Dams to DaVinci Surgery... All of us are far superior to all others!!

What ever happened to the RE person?

Did he really kill himself?

I am an experienced and top performing real estate broker in SC looking for a career change. Would love to get into med device or dental sales. I work hard but the real estate industry has major challenges that are making it almost impossible.
Im just getting started so any help would be greatly appreciated...Anyone else come from real estate? Any tips?


I am an experienced and top performing real estate broker in SC looking for a career change. Would love to get into med device or dental sales. I work hard but the real estate industry has major challenges that are making it almost impossible.
Im just getting started so any help would be greatly appreciated...Anyone else come from real estate? Any tips?

Why don't you like real estate? I would switch with you. You can have my pharma job and I would do your job. Really I'd like to know what don't you like?

And by the way don't put real estate sales down there is a lot of selling involved cold calling, convincing someone to list with you vs a 1000 other people, building a contact list, marketing etc. etc.. The medical sales people putting your profession down have no idea what they're talking about.

Why don't you like real estate? I would switch with you. You can have my pharma job and I would do your job. Really I'd like to know what don't you like?

And by the way don't put real estate sales down there is a lot of selling involved cold calling, convincing someone to list with you vs a 1000 other people, building a contact list, marketing etc. etc.. The medical sales people putting your profession down have no idea what they're talking about.

When I was in my 30's I worked in Real Estate on LI. It was great I must have slept with:

10- 50 year olds (Some hot, some not)
5- 40 year olds (Chubby but sexy)
2- 30 year olds (very hot)
2-20 year olds (HOT)
1-19 year old (Fat but horny as hell)

2 - 60+ Real Cougars..Loved anal.

That was the best years of my life.
Now as a medical rep I am lucky if I get some from my wife!!