Experienced pharmaceutical sales consultant looking to get into medical sales


I have 7 years of successful pharmaceutical sales experience selling various hypertensive medications. I've won trips, have great reviews, great call average, great sampling numbers, etc. I was recently downsized and now I'm looking to get into medical sales. Any suggestions on who is hiring? I'm in the NYC area. Thanks.


I have 7 years of successful pharmaceutical sales experience selling various hypertensive medications. I've won trips, have great reviews, great call average, great sampling numbers, etc. I was recently downsized and now I'm looking to get into medical sales. Any suggestions on who is hiring? I'm in the NYC area. Thanks.

Yeah, obviously you're not qualified if you come from pharma. Pharma reps are inferior sal people with a superiorority complex. Oder takers never do well in "real medical sales".

Yeah, obviously you're not qualified if you come from pharma. Pharma reps are inferior sal people with a superiorority complex. Oder takers never do well in "real medical sales".

Can someone translate this post? I'm not sure what language it's in.

I could out detail this chump with my eyes closed. You couldn't stand a chance against me. You better hope I don't land in your territory.

Can someone translate this post? I'm not sure what language it's in.

I could out detail this chump with my eyes closed. You couldn't stand a chance against me. You better hope I don't land in your territory.

could someone translate what "out detail" means? i'm not used to pussy ass pharma lingo....

no chance this post is real. detailing? seriously buddy? I hope you're kidding.

agreed. still not sure what "detailing" means. if you meant "selling" why wouldn't you say "selling"? or are you trying to act smart by using your pharma language with us? either way you sound like a tool. How ignorant can one person be to say that they would out sell you when they've never met you or don't even know what your selling? i wish these pharma kids would stay off the "med device" boards, i thought cafepharma separated the two for a reason.

Pretty funny. We don't detail, we sell. Your detailing skills are useless. You can't memorize your little manual, regurgitate, and expect results in our line of work.

"even without a detail piece"

Are you f'ing kidding me? There are no detail pieces in devices. Go back to pharma. Go sell something. In case you don't know what that means, you get a PO for product.

"even without a detail piece"

Are you f'ing kidding me? There are no detail pieces in devices. Go back to pharma. Go sell something. In case you don't know what that means, you get a PO for product.

That's my point, I don't need a detail piece to sell. I've been in pharmaceutical sales for a long time and I do sell. It doesn't matter what the product is, pace maker, stent, or your stupid PO that you sell.

No not all sales are the same. I spent 8 years as a specialty rep for J&J and the past 4 working the veterinary sales business. Getting a PO (purchase order) at the time of the sale is a different animal. I have been working at getting into device for the past 2 or so years, and I can tell you the "pharma" label is very tough to shed. As far as detail pieces, if your shoving those in your doctors face, you are not selling you are the reps they hate to see.

not in med sales but did do pharma sales for a few years. Pharmaceutical sales is not sales period. It is marketing. As the previos poster states: in real sales you leave with a PO a written contract etc. pharma is wishy washy. doctor will you prescribe xxx to your next patient? I never felt like I was really selling in pharma. I was a commission based recruiter before pharma; if you dont place people you dont get paid period. That is real sales.
Pharma is not a real sales job

not in med sales but did do pharma sales for a few years. Pharmaceutical sales is not sales period. It is marketing. As the previos poster states: in real sales you leave with a PO a written contract etc. pharma is wishy washy. doctor will you prescribe xxx to your next patient? I never felt like I was really selling in pharma. I was a commission based recruiter before pharma; if you dont place people you dont get paid period. That is real sales.
Pharma is not a real sales job

hahahaha. This coming from a former recruiter. Well pal, in my pharmaceutical sales job, I close all the time and then the doctor signs on the dotted line after his commitment.

Recruiting is no where close to sales BTW.