Expensing those Holiday Gift Cards


How is it that a company that faces declining sales and revenue for the next 3-4 years allows its VPs to buy and distribute $100 AMEX gift cards for employees - and we do mean LOTS of them. Who does that nowadays really. I mean come on already. How tacky to but and expense a gift card for people that know you don't really give two shits about them and all of a sudden here is a token of my appreciation? I thought we outlawed this stuff about 10 years ago along with the spouses at ad boards and nights at the opera? Who signed off on this I wonder?


How is it that a company that faces declining sales and revenue for the next 3-4 years allows its VPs to buy and distribute $100 AMEX gift cards for employees - and we do mean LOTS of them. Who does that nowadays really. I mean come on already. How tacky to but and expense a gift card for people that know you don't really give two shits about them and all of a sudden here is a token of my appreciation? I thought we outlawed this stuff about 10 years ago along with the spouses at ad boards and nights at the opera? Who signed off on this I wonder?

One of a thousand examples of AZ's corrupt nature. Corruption is as natural to AZ as taking a breath of air.

Field sales here and I got Jack Shit from my boss this year so a $100 AMEX gift card, expensed or otherwise sounds great to me! Oh, wait, I got a merry christmas text message so that must count for the gift card instead. Do you think he took all of the $$$ he was allotted and kept it for himself? NICE! I guess we are dealing with AZ after all!!!!

Yes indeed I received a $100 gift card. Sweet. So what if they were expnsed. It is the thought that counts and someone thought screw AZ I'm getting me some you know?

I call bullshit on the post. There is no way that a VP level person would hand out gift cards when all we ever do is complete 3hr CIA training that talks about not accepting squadoosh from anyone. I never even expense lunch even when I can. Not worth it. Calling fakery/

I call bullshit on the post. There is no way that a VP level person would hand out gift cards when all we ever do is complete 3hr CIA training that talks about not accepting squadoosh from anyone. I never even expense lunch even when I can. Not worth it. Calling fakery/

Agree. The bs flag has been raised and seconded. Troll on...