Exit Interview


I resigned not too long ago, and realized that I was not given an exit interview by HR. Can anyone offer a logical explanation for why this was the case?

Because HR knows they wont do a damn thing with the feedback / reccomendations you provide. AZ could care less if you leave. I'm sure you have found greener pastures. Good luck!

I resigned not too long ago, and realized that I was not given an exit interview by HR. Can anyone offer a logical explanation for why this was the case?

In order to care about the feedback from exit interviews there would need to be a viable future for those left behind. All AZ is doing now is trying to hold on in the hopes some company is foolish enough to buy us or merge with us. AZ missed their last best opportunity with the Pfizer offer.

They have not been conducting exit interviews for a few years because they were receiving the same feedback- lack of opportunity for promotion unless willing to relocate to HQs, instability of the company, ever-changing managers etc Attrition is saving them a lot of money and will save even more with the inevitable upcoming layoffs per my HQ insiders.

They have not been conducting exit interviews for a few years because they were receiving the same feedback- lack of opportunity for promotion unless willing to relocate to HQs, instability of the company, ever-changing managers etc Attrition is saving them a lot of money and will save even more with the inevitable upcoming layoffs per my HQ insiders.

How about the fact that they manipulate data to reward the chosen few as they drive producers to leave?

Just kiss ass and do as directed.

The key is to remain neutral, not too good and not too bad. Don't become a threat to your manager at the next level up or God forbid to a level higher. Always respond to any question followed by "What do you think?" They love to show you how smart they are. Learn who the sharks are, they will be the ones in a circle on the sidelines looking for potential victims. Know which boxes to check and always check them all. It really isn't that difficult.

The key is to remain neutral, not too good and not too bad. Don't become a threat to your manager at the next level up or God forbid to a level higher. Always respond to any question followed by "What do you think?" They love to show you how smart they are. Learn who the sharks are, they will be the ones in a circle on the sidelines looking for potential victims. Know which boxes to check and always check them all. It really isn't that difficult.

And know who the wanna be sharks are. They are the ones whose careers short circuited a long time ago but make it a personal sport to try to destroy other people's reputations. It is their form of entertainment and AZ is saturated with them.

The key is to remain neutral, not too good and not too bad. Don't become a threat to your manager at the next level up or God forbid to a level higher. Always respond to any question followed by "What do you think?" They love to show you how smart they are. Learn who the sharks are, they will be the ones in a circle on the sidelines looking for potential victims. Know which boxes to check and always check them all. It really isn't that difficult.

With so much incompetence being rewarded, insecurity is the norm as is the threat of being exposed as a fraud. Collect that fat check for doing nothing and do nothing to allow yourself to be surrounded by the ever increasing number of sharks in this organization.

With so much incompetence being rewarded, insecurity is the norm as is the threat of being exposed as a fraud. Collect that fat check for doing nothing and do nothing to allow yourself to be surrounded by the ever increasing number of sharks in this organization.

Get a job you meth head half breed ho mo.

Very typical of AZ to veer far away from the original post/question. Can we please go back, stay on track and provide some logical answers?

HQ source here. We do nothing with the feedback so why ask for feed back? The feedback is always the same: passive aggressive managers, fraudulent sales data used to reward, favoritism toward development, and horrible brand leadership. If you have spent more than five years here and are not being developed, time to move on. Incompetent leaders are programmed to hire subordinates even more incompetent than they are. This has led to a spiraling effect. Much like flushing the shitter. The good leaders have learned how to keep their mouths shut and how to align with opportunity.

HQ source here. We do nothing with the feedback so why ask for feed back? The feedback is always the same: passive aggressive managers, fraudulent sales data used to reward, favoritism toward development, and horrible brand leadership. If you have spent more than five years here and are not being developed, time to move on. Incompetent leaders are programmed to hire subordinates even more incompetent than they are. This has led to a spiraling effect. Much like flushing the shitter. The good leaders have learned how to keep their mouths shut and how to align with opportunity.

DSM here. Just tell me what you are told I like to hear. I haven’t worked in years but these checks keep coming. Got a new Swingline.

DSM here. Just tell me what you are told I like to hear. I haven’t worked in years but these checks keep coming. Got a new Swingline.

Best administrative job on the planet. I bring zero value to the commercial effort. I do paperwork. Nothing more nothing less. I can’t sell and if I do I have a negative impact on my rep’s efforts. 10 years until retirement. 25 years under the radar. Piece of cake, bread.

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