Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago firm


Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

Just think of all the ethics and compliance tutorials you have had to watch over the years. Price-fixing, bribery, kickbacks, etc. Every employee supposedly had to watch these.

Now think of all the people let go for, in comparison, insanely minor transgressions.

Kindler is gone but should be held accountable for agreeing to fund this huge conflict of interest. Sussman and several other of her cronies are still here. Taking PHRMA contributions and funding an ad agency owned by David Axelrod's son. That ad agency in turn took $2,000,000 of PHRMA contributions and paid off David Axelrod.

As the ethics video says, "Don't do anything you wouldn't want to see on the front page of the newspaper."

Pfizer Board of Directors - do you have enough evidence to fire Sussman now? And for that matter Ian Read, who was in charge of global pharma at the time? Or Olivier Brandicourt, who headed US Pharmaceuticals? Or Amy Shulman, who as chief legal would have pinched her nose and given the green light to this.

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

It's never illegal or unethical if Obama or the Dems break the laws.

You can surely count on the fact that the pussy Republicans will keep on letting it happen.

That's your America now. Good luck idiots.

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

Just think of all the ethics and compliance tutorials you have had to watch over the years. Price-fixing, bribery, kickbacks, etc. Every employee supposedly had to watch these.

Now think of all the people let go for, in comparison, insanely minor transgressions.

Kindler is gone but should be held accountable for agreeing to fund this huge conflict of interest. Sussman and several other of her cronies are still here. Taking PHRMA contributions and funding an ad agency owned by David Axelrod's son. That ad agency in turn took $2,000,000 of PHRMA contributions and paid off David Axelrod.

As the ethics video says, "Don't do anything you wouldn't want to see on the front page of the newspaper."

Pfizer Board of Directors - do you have enough evidence to fire Sussman now? And for that matter Ian Read, who was in charge of global pharma at the time? Or Olivier Brandicourt, who headed US Pharmaceuticals? Or Amy Shulman, who as chief legal would have pinched her nose and given the green light to this.

Yes, we need to investigate some sacraficial lambs...compliance department needs to look into more sales reps' activities. Yep, that's Pfizer's answer. As for internal investigations of the c-suite....(cricket, cricket).

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

Sally Sussman set it up, surely.

Of course she did, she is the one who had the political connections through her daddy...if management was SERIOUS about improving the company's public image Sussman would be gone, yet she is still here...

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

Just think of all the ethics and compliance tutorials you have had to watch over the years. Price-fixing, bribery, kickbacks, etc. Every employee supposedly had to watch these.

Now think of all the people let go for, in comparison, insanely minor transgressions.

Kindler is gone but should be held accountable for agreeing to fund this huge conflict of interest. Sussman and several other of her cronies are still here. Taking PHRMA contributions and funding an ad agency owned by David Axelrod's son. That ad agency in turn took $2,000,000 of PHRMA contributions and paid off David Axelrod.

As the ethics video says, "Don't do anything you wouldn't want to see on the front page of the newspaper."

Pfizer Board of Directors - do you have enough evidence to fire Sussman now? And for that matter Ian Read, who was in charge of global pharma at the time? Or Olivier Brandicourt, who headed US Pharmaceuticals? Or Amy Shulman, who as chief legal would have pinched her nose and given the green light to this.

Where did PHRMA get a chunk of its funding? You guessed it - Pfizer PAC, as well as other industry PACs.

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

And if you needed any more indication Pfizer management just does not get it, look at where people are being layed off and where people are being hired. People across te company being layed off....except Susman's already large org. Many open VP spots, more and more "communications" people being hired...Great strategy to improve the public image of the company, hand over a ton of resources to a person mired in unethical practices, conflicts of interest and with a personal agenda that takes priority over Pfizer

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

Not to worry, after the house congressional oversight committee finishes its work on Eric Holder with a congressional contempt indictment tomorrow Big PHrMA, Obama-Kindler-Sussman Care is next on the agenda.

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

The iorny of it all is, having people like Susman only dampens the image of Pfizer.

almost funny, isn't it? I honestly believe Pfizer management thinks the public is stupid, why else would they undertake an effort to improve our public image and make a person like Sussman the face of it?

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

almost funny, isn't it? I honestly believe Pfizer management thinks the public is stupid, why else would they undertake an effort to improve our public image and make a person like Sussman the face of it?

Middle America hates lesbians who fuel political corruption with capital contributions. Next election this pfizer house is going to burn in investigations once people get to the ballot box.

Like Neurontin redux.

Re: Emails: White House pushed Pfizer-PHrMA biz $ to Prez's adviser's former Chicago

Middle America hates lesbians who fuel political corruption with capital contributions. Next election this pfizer house is going to burn in investigations once people get to the ballot box.

Like Neurontin redux.

Well, based on the SCOTUS ruling today, quid pro quo works.

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