Email To Congratulate New Biden Supreme Court Nominee


And just like that, qualifications don’t matter - oh well, at least we still have the Ukraine

Agreed. At least 40 White Male SC justices didn’t have Undergrad Degrees nor Law Degrees. Qualifications don’t matter when the Law said only White Males could be on the Court. I’ll put her resume up against the Last 2 picks anyday.

Agreed. At least 40 White Male SC justices didn’t have Undergrad Degrees nor Law Degrees. Qualifications don’t matter when the Law said only White Males could be on the Court. I’ll put her resume up against the Last 2 picks anyday.
What an ignorant statement. Some justices didn't receive law degrees or formal legal education because they were trained through apprenticeships or were self-taught which was incredibly common with lawyers.

Agreed. At least 40 White Male SC justices didn’t have Undergrad Degrees nor Law Degrees. Qualifications don’t matter when the Law said only White Males could be on the Court. I’ll put her resume up against the Last 2 picks anyday.

now that’s some funny sh$t right there Her resume=what resume…lol

What an ignorant statement. Some justices didn't receive law degrees or formal legal education because they were trained through apprenticeships or were self-taught which was incredibly common with lawyers.

LOL. I’d love to see a Minority be hired or put on the Court that was “Self-Taught”. You white boys crack me up.

What an ignorant statement. Some justices didn't receive law degrees or formal legal education because they were trained through apprenticeships or were self-taught which was incredibly common with lawyers.

T rump judge nominee, 36, who has never tried a case, wins approval of Senate panel.
Brett J. Talley, President Trump’s nominee to be a federal judge in Alabama, has never tried a case, was unanimously rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Assn.’s judicial rating committee.

When you limit your pool of potential candidates to a very few based on race and gender, your unlikely to get the most qualified candidate. Kamala Harris a perfect example of this, chosen because of race and gender, a colossal failure, completely inept. Let’s hope the SCOTUS nominee is not another Harris.

When you limit your pool of potential candidates to a very few based on race and gender, your unlikely to get the most qualified candidate. Kamala Harris a perfect example of this, chosen because of race and gender, a colossal failure, completely inept. Let’s hope the SCOTUS nominee is not another Harris.

Supreme Court was limited to a certain pool for hundreds of years. 99.99% White male. Only qualification was to be white and male.

When she gets approved, blacks will represent 22% of the court but only make up 12% of the population. Doesn't look like American to me. We need at least 1 Asian man. But I doubt the wokesters will run any bias training about it.

When she gets approved, blacks will represent 22% of the court but only make up 12% of the population. Doesn't look like American to me. We need at least 1 Asian man. But I doubt the wokesters will run any bias training about it.

We also need at least 1 Protestant or a Muslim because right now it's all these freaky, ultra right wing Catholics

Agreed. At least 40 White Male SC justices didn’t have Undergrad Degrees nor Law Degrees. Qualifications don’t matter when the Law said only White Males could be on the Court. I’ll put her resume up against the Last 2 picks anyday.
Case in point - Abe Lincoln. While not on the SC he had no formal education. And we know as a WM he had no impact on this country’s minorities. You go sister!

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