Economy must be better because reps keep leaving by choice...


The economy must be doing better. We have had many reps jump ship for better opportunities lately. Lots of vacancies these days. Same in your area? Good to know there are opportunities out there for those who want to leave.


The economy must be doing better. We have had many reps jump ship for better opportunities lately. Lots of vacancies these days. Same in your area? Good to know there are opportunities out there for those who want to leave.

Good for those of us who are old... but short on years needed to qualify for retirement.....

I am just glad to see there are still jobs out there. All I hear from upper management is how we all should be lucky to have our jobs. I am thankful, but the low raises/stagnant bonuses around here are getting old fast.

The reps are leaving because they are being pushed. I would know; I am one of them. I can't wait to leave this stink hole. I am "on the list". My manager has been given clear instruction to make me miserable. He has no idea what I have in store for him...we'll see who laughs last. I say if you leave, leave with style:)

I know one superstar rep from another company who's been out 9 months and counting.....really tough....he's a young guy (38) with few young children.....Now his wife is trying to find a job too and may he soon become a here is someone so talented and with a masters too .....he's having such a difficult time....I dont believe its good. If you are older than 50 its no man's land.

I know one superstar rep from another company who's been out 9 months and counting.....really tough....he's a young guy (38) with few young children.....Now his wife is trying to find a job too and may he soon become a here is someone so talented and with a masters too .....he's having such a difficult time....I dont believe its good. If you are older than 50 its no man's land.

I am close to 50 and have a really hard getting interviews. With a direct referral, I can get an interview. The only way I even come close id if the hiring manager is over 40 or confident. But no offers.

I get the proverbial slap on the back and "thanks". It is scary when you see your career, savings, home, marriage and retirement wither away. I do not feel old or unemployable, but I am obviously viewed that way. Yes, I know, go back to school, open a business, try insurance, follow your dreams. It is all great advice when your 30. Give it a shot with kids in college a mortgage and health care to pay.

I am close to 50 and have a really hard getting interviews. With a direct referral, I can get an interview. The only way I even come close id if the hiring manager is over 40 or confident. But no offers.

I get the proverbial slap on the back and "thanks". It is scary when you see your career, savings, home, marriage and retirement wither away. I do not feel old or unemployable, but I am obviously viewed that way. Yes, I know, go back to school, open a business, try insurance, follow your dreams. It is all great advice when your 30. Give it a shot with kids in college a mortgage and health care to pay.

More reason for you to vote for Obama because clearly you don't believe Mitt gives a damn about you and your middle class dilemmas?!?!?!

I am close to 50 and have a really hard getting interviews. With a direct referral, I can get an interview. The only way I even come close id if the hiring manager is over 40 or confident. But no offers.

I get the proverbial slap on the back and "thanks". It is scary when you see your career, savings, home, marriage and retirement wither away. I do not feel old or unemployable, but I am obviously viewed that way. Yes, I know, go back to school, open a business, try insurance, follow your dreams. It is all great advice when your 30. Give it a shot with kids in college a mortgage and health care to pay.

More reason to vote for Mitt. He knows how, yes how.. to create jobs. Unlike the dismal results of our current administration he has the skills to turn it around....Look at today's job numbers....3.5 years in and we have been given nothing but massive debt and unemployement and with no end in sight.....

The people I know who have left successfully are in their 40s. These people have gone to other pharma jobs and leveraged their "expertise" in a certain disease state. The few that have left who are over 50 have retired or gone back to school/previous career. There are jobs out there, you just have to be very specific on what you are looking for and network, which I think those under 50 are much better at doing. People in our region under 40 have left for another career.

The reps are leaving because they are being pushed. I would know; I am one of them. I can't wait to leave this stink hole. I am "on the list". My manager has been given clear instruction to make me miserable. He has no idea what I have in store for him...we'll see who laughs last. I say if you leave, leave with style:)

Me too, I've noticed that the problem seems to be that the "top" reps (also, managers, etc) are the ones that are generally the ones that are on the lower end of the IQ scale. The speak when spoken to and reiterate whatever was said before them. They kiss, kiss, kiss butt. The ones that actually have a glimmer of intelligence are pushed out because they are a threat to managers, etc. Sadly, bright people are the only hope to pull this company out of its downward spiral but, since they are few and becoming fewer, it seems that the handwriting is on the wall.

Me too, I've noticed that the problem seems to be that the "top" reps (also, managers, etc) are the ones that are generally the ones that are on the lower end of the IQ scale. The speak when spoken to and reiterate whatever was said before them. They kiss, kiss, kiss butt. The ones that actually have a glimmer of intelligence are pushed out because they are a threat to managers, etc. Sadly, bright people are the only hope to pull this company out of its downward spiral but, since they are few and becoming fewer, it seems that the handwriting is on the wall.

Numero uno tell-tale sign of it all......those who lift ideas, style, expressions etc...and claim
them as their own. Rep to rep is bad enough....but if a manager starts lifting from their reps, that is incredible. They say "imitation is flattery," but hey, don't take my ideas then down rate me and a dumbo.....