Easy resolution to Gonzo question

The Gonzo mess is even more tawdry than widely known. Miles, care to tell the readers where Gonzo's primary residence is...and which newly formed corporation will be responsible for schlepping him back/forth to/from Illinois in a corporate jet every week? Maybe Gonzo is living out of state to finish his degree. He's almost a sophomore already.

Tell me more.

Let me guess, some sleepy small town in Mexico where I guess they have awesome underground state of the art labs - which I can understand would be nice, since it's hot and all above ground ya know.

Gonzo has an oceanfront manse in Boca Raton. How fitting he lives in a city that literally means "mouth of the rat". But he's planning to relocate to another city that when translated means "mouth of the liar".

cracks me up that these fuckers live no where near Abbott Park, yet make millions of $$$ a year...when do they actually work? better question is: what the fuck do they actually do? you know, like day to day operations...what does that actually look like?

cracks me up that these fuckers live no where near Abbott Park, yet make millions of $$$ a year...when do they actually work? better question is: what the fuck do they actually do? you know, like day to day operations...what does that actually look like?

He doesn't have to run the company. His only job will be to insure that the sale of AbbVie to Pfizer/Roche/Astra or whoever goes smoothly. Then he will retire again to his beach front estate with a few more millions in hand.