Easy resolution to Gonzo question


There is an easy answer.

Make his original application public.

HR has the files.

That wouldn't show who changed it. But the files do have updates.... when they were made, by whom, etc..... all they need to do is just look back in the computer database.

And of course, that has already been done. But neither you nor I will ever know what or who they found.... that's why they call it an "administrative error"

30 years ago you filled out job applications by hand. His original application would have his education filled out in his handwriting. I would bet, a large bet, that his fraudulent diplomas are listed on his original application. This lying bastard needs to go.

30 years ago you filled out job applications by hand. His original application would have his education filled out in his handwriting. I would bet, a large bet, that his fraudulent diplomas are listed on his original application. Yes, this needs to be made public.

30 years ago you filled out job applications by hand. His original application would have his education filled out in his handwriting. I would bet, a large bet, that his fraudulent diplomas are listed on his original application. Yes, this needs to be made public.

I bet NOT. I was hired 30 years ago, and my degree was checked. So were my summer employers when I was in college. 30 years ago, this was always done by someone at Abbott. I bet a dollar that he changed his resume after his first couple of promotions. No one was looking, and it was before everything in HR was computerized. Slip in a couple of new promotions on the resume, and add a couple of university degrees while no one was looking closely.

I bet NOT. I was hired 30 years ago, and my degree was checked. So were my summer employers when I was in college. 30 years ago, this was always done by someone at Abbott. I bet a dollar that he changed his resume after his first couple of promotions. No one was looking, and it was before everything in HR was computerized. Slip in a couple of new promotions on the resume, and add a couple of university degrees while no one was looking closely.

You are onto to something big here...I bet you are in middle management, right?

Yes, probably changed along the way, I have been here for 20 plus years nobody that was around then is still here, or, at least involved in my career. I could change it easily. Guy needs to Go, is an embarassment to Abbott and all of Us going through hoops to remain compliant, honest, etc.

RG pulled the cord on over $13 million of his parachute last year, and probably has it stashed off-shore. He has hundreds of thousands of ABT shares left on which to exercise options worth ten$ of million$, plus his ongoing multimillion $ salary. When, in America, did we start to not only allow frauds to keep their ill-gotten gain, but reward them for putting on such a clever deception? The opportunity cost of this man to all Abbott stakeholders for 30 years, and to those who were denied being part of Abbott by his very presence, is immeasurable. Twilight Zone and Catch Me If You Can all rolled into one fine real-life mess. I see a made-for-tv movie about RG in the future, but will RG be portrayed as a Rod Serling nightmare, or as a Leonardo DiCaprio youth with an over-active imagination, no ethical boundaries, and a unique set of forgery skills?

That was also a very well written essay - found here on Cafeharma (bet it was the same person who posted the other one).

One question about your proposed movie script: Where and how does Miles White fit into the thing? I think he is more accountable than his "best" friend RG.

Miles role in the movie will be either Rod Serling-like, the creator of it all, but narrating the bizarre episode as if he is above it and unconnected to it, or he will be the failed father-figure as played by Christopher Walken in Catch Me If You Can. More cowbell, Miles.

Heres what I dont understand, Abbott will pay for you to get a dergree. I did this while working at Abbott and got a BS and a Masters. Many of Abbott management tought at Lake Forest College, why didnt he just go there?

STOP! Enough already, let's get on to the positives of building Abbvie!

"...a foolish man built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell — and great was its fall." Matthew 7: 26-27

"...if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand." Mark 3:25

Who is dividing the Abbott house? Commenters who dare speak truth to power? Who is building AbbVie on the sand of non-existent credentials? Blog posters who make note of it?

You can't build a solidly founded and internally supported AbbVie when the COB & CEO in-waiting for the entire enterprise seems shifty. I. Do. Not. Trust. Him. Don't tell people to shut up, put on their blinders, and follow orders. Silence will come when the source of the problem is removed, and I am not the problem.

The Gonzo mess is even more tawdry than widely known. Miles, care to tell the readers where Gonzo's primary residence is...and which newly formed corporation will be responsible for schlepping him back/forth to/from Illinois in a corporate jet every week? Maybe Gonzo is living out of state to finish his degree. He's almost a sophomore already.

The Gonzo mess is even more tawdry than widely known. Miles, care to tell the readers where Gonzo's primary residence is...and which newly formed corporation will be responsible for schlepping him back/forth to/from Illinois in a corporate jet every week? Maybe Gonzo is living out of state to finish his degree. He's almost a sophomore already.

oh god...i am afraid to ask.

where does he live?