Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

I really appreciate your sage advice bolstered by your correct and accurate use of the word "dude".

Here is a quote for you. Consider making it your mantra.

"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing." ~Anonymous

Dude, what an A hole you are. Your corporate slaveship will get you to a greeter at Wal Mart near the end of your sad life. Suck the corporate lollipop fool.

Not me! I'm the opposite; I started a new job this week and completely removed Dynasplint from my LinkedIn profile. My stay was short before the whole house of cards collapsed, so it doesn't leave a giant hole in my resume the it would for some people. I'll also be erasing it from my resume. Once I receive my final money, it will truly be just a memory.

Hehe. You said "giant hole".

Not trying to answer for anyone else but I have to defend John and Keith. I am sure John makes a pretty penny with director behind his name..but he did work and I am sure he works even more now since he doesn't have everyone left to delegate to. He was trying to come up with ways to save the company money but getting everyone equipment and programs that would allow people to do their job more effectively. Hence, the ipads and iphones for the reps. I am sure every rep on here will admit that the Dell computers were getting old and falling apart and 3/4 of the time weren't usable. If they completely stopped working, it could be days sometimes even over a week before they had a replacement so they ended up doing paper fittings. For the corporate people, IT had started the migration over to Google which I thought was a really great move since it would have moved everyone off of Outlook and anything Microsoft related. It would have allowed people to just have internet access from any computer anywhere and bingo, you have e-mail and all of the programs (word, excel, powerpoint) and a place to save, store and share documents with other people. No more license issues. If your computer stopped working it was super easy to get a replacement all that needed to be installed would be the operating system (Windows), Adobe reader and any of the specialty programs and you are back up. Not days!! IT had started testing out different machines to replace the corporate machines but hadn't gotten to the point of narrowing down which ones to buy. Obviously that went on hold due to funds. So John did work.

Keith graduated with his BS in Cybersecurity and was moved to IT..he was doing a really good job too, he was actually the one who was helping with the move to Google until MJ quit. The choice given to him was lose your job or go back over to Compliance..he has small children so he did what he had to do and went back to Compliance. I can't see where he would "cover" things up if they aren't right, I hope he would do the right thing.

I sent the e-mail to GH..see what happens.

Not trying to answer for anyone else but I have to defend John and Keith. I am sure John makes a pretty penny with director behind his name..but he did work and I am sure he works even more now since he doesn't have everyone left to delegate to. He was trying to come up with ways to save the company money but getting everyone equipment and programs that would allow people to do their job more effectively. Hence, the ipads and iphones for the reps. I am sure every rep on here will admit that the Dell computers were getting old and falling apart and 3/4 of the time weren't usable. If they completely stopped working, it could be days sometimes even over a week before they had a replacement so they ended up doing paper fittings. For the corporate people, IT had started the migration over to Google which I thought was a really great move since it would have moved everyone off of Outlook and anything Microsoft related. It would have allowed people to just have internet access from any computer anywhere and bingo, you have e-mail and all of the programs (word, excel, powerpoint) and a place to save, store and share documents with other people. No more license issues. If your computer stopped working it was super easy to get a replacement all that needed to be installed would be the operating system (Windows), Adobe reader and any of the specialty programs and you are back up. Not days!! IT had started testing out different machines to replace the corporate machines but hadn't gotten to the point of narrowing down which ones to buy. Obviously that went on hold due to funds. So John did work.

Keith graduated with his BS in Cybersecurity and was moved to IT..he was doing a really good job too, he was actually the one who was helping with the move to Google until MJ quit. The choice given to him was lose your job or go back over to Compliance..he has small children so he did what he had to do and went back to Compliance. I can't see where he would "cover" things up if they aren't right, I hope he would do the right thing.

I sent the e-mail to GH..see what happens.

JOHN MAY HAVE WORKED, but he did NOT know what he was doing, like I said, I joke!

Keith I like alot. Nothing against him, I just don't want him to get in trouble.

Dude, what an A hole you are. Your corporate slaveship will get you to a greeter at Wal Mart near the end of your sad life. Suck the corporate lollipop fool.

You were soundly dismissed in post #1462. People like you, proud of receiving a paycheck for doing nothing, are among the many reasons your piece of shit company is tanking. You are a parasite. Try EARNING a living. Bottom feeder.

1. bottom feeder:
-leech, or in other words has a total lack of responsibility to provide for oneself. Relies heavily upon friends, neighbors or anyone really for sustenance. A slacker through and through.-
"Dude wakes up and thinks to himself, "Dang, dude, I don't have any money still", so he leaves his wallet at home on purpose and later says to his friends, "Whoops, dudes, I forgot my wallet today again, could you dudes please buy my lunch again?" What a bottom feeder. Dude.

Meanwhile, I've got yet another fat corporate paycheck to cash. Dumbass.

come on people-PAYDAY?????

Seriously, you have to be kidding, right?

Maybe they will next cancel healthcare premiums to make payroll, pay their former employees, make 401K deposits past-due and pay all the back taxes.

Dental insurance? Nah, employees don't need that. Bring a toothbrush to work.

Then there is the outstanding bank debt AND THE MEDICARE FRAUD LAWSUIT.

You are dreaming if you think everybody is going to be paid off anytime soon.

Run people. Run.

Wun wike a wabbit.

Mah turn t'stan' on th' soap box. Fust of all, thar is so much inaccurate info'mashun on this hyar board, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' varmints who is postin' the dawgoned-est pow'ful doesn't haf their facks straight. Rhonda. Who by th' way is owed less than th' cost of a burrito bowl, ah reckon. Eff'n yer hurtin' thet bad fo' cash, come see me. I'll pay yo' outta mah daycare budgit.

It jest amazes me how quickly varmints kin turn on one t'other. But ah guess thass whut diffruntiates us fum th' animals. Animals is loyal, ah reckon. Have yo' already fo'gotten how Jedidiah'd loan substantial amounts of money t'ennyone who came t'him? HVAC went out? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. Gwine through a nasty divo'ce? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. Oop! Fry mah hide! Car ingine blew up? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. It started t'git outta corntrol fo' a spell. Th' man is junerous t'a fault. An' now thet he has hit on hard times, yo' turn yer back on him, dawgone it. This hyar layoff has been ho'rific fo' ev'ryone. But whuffo' kick th' man while he's down? He is tryin'. We is tryin'! Fry mah hide! Them of us who is still wawkin' t'save th' compenny; is we notcher friends? We haf families t'feed as fine, an' we is bestin' our tails t'keep this hyar place afloat an' hopefully call yo' back. Shet mah mouth! We're hankerin' yo' back! Fry mah hide! Believe it o' not, we miss yo'. Even though yer stinkers. ah remember yo'. Th' ones who were th' fust in line t'getcher free possum. Or load up th' entire fambly t'feast on all yo' kin ett crabs an' beer. Thanks t'Jedidiah's junerosity. Fo' ennyone whose been aroun' th' co'po'ate wo'ld a spell, yo' knows thet th' DSah environment is rare find now days. It's a place ah had hoped t'retire fum, an' still hopeful, ah reckon. Nervous as hell, but hopeful, ah reckon. Ennyway, yo' haf wawked fo' th' man long inough t'knows thet he's not cheatin' yo' outta ennythin'. Yo' will be paid ev'ry dime owed t'yo'. Gawd, ah cain't imagine bein' neighbo's wif some of y'all, ah reckon. Eff'n mah house were t'ketch on fire an' we lost all our belongin's, yo'd probably close yer blinds an' turn off th' po'ch light like we were pesty trick-o-treaters. Cut us some slack, please. An' remember, when yer stonin' Jedidiah, yer stonin' us, too.

Oh, an' one mo'e thin' befo'e ah hop down, as enny fool kin plainly see. Dental insurance. Woo. So we doesn't haf dental insurance fo' th' time bein'. Isn't it mo'e impo'tant t'have health insurance? It is t'me. Findin' a lump in a pertinent part is a helluva lot mo'e impo'tant than needin' t'have a cavity filled, cuss it all t' tarnation. An' Jedidiah is makin' sho'nuff we does not lose this hyar covahage. Some of yo' bellyachers... Man, as enny fool kin plainly see.

In closin', ah's a-gonna ax yo' t'please show some grace. Yer wo'ds is hurtful, ah reckon. Not jest t'Jedidiah. To all of us.

Now eff'n yo' read this hyar an' it pissed as a weasel in a blender yo' off, fine, thet kinda speaks fo' yer chareecker. It warn't mah intenshun t'tick ennyone off. Agin, we miss yo'. Neighbo'.

Mighty truly yourn.

Daisyie B. Slack
Texass Gal

Mah turn t'stan' on th' soap box. Fust of all, thar is so much inaccurate info'mashun on this hyar board, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' varmints who is postin' the dawgoned-est pow'ful doesn't haf their facks straight. Rhonda. Who by th' way is owed less than th' cost of a burrito bowl, ah reckon. Eff'n yer hurtin' thet bad fo' cash, come see me. I'll pay yo' outta mah daycare budgit.

It jest amazes me how quickly varmints kin turn on one t'other. But ah guess thass whut diffruntiates us fum th' animals. Animals is loyal, ah reckon. Have yo' already fo'gotten how Jedidiah'd loan substantial amounts of money t'ennyone who came t'him? HVAC went out? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. Gwine through a nasty divo'ce? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. Oop! Fry mah hide! Car ingine blew up? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. It started t'git outta corntrol fo' a spell. Th' man is junerous t'a fault. An' now thet he has hit on hard times, yo' turn yer back on him, dawgone it. This hyar layoff has been ho'rific fo' ev'ryone. But whuffo' kick th' man while he's down? He is tryin'. We is tryin'! Fry mah hide! Them of us who is still wawkin' t'save th' compenny; is we notcher friends? We haf families t'feed as fine, an' we is bestin' our tails t'keep this hyar place afloat an' hopefully call yo' back. Shet mah mouth! We're hankerin' yo' back! Fry mah hide! Believe it o' not, we miss yo'. Even though yer stinkers. ah remember yo'. Th' ones who were th' fust in line t'getcher free possum. Or load up th' entire fambly t'feast on all yo' kin ett crabs an' beer. Thanks t'Jedidiah's junerosity. Fo' ennyone whose been aroun' th' co'po'ate wo'ld a spell, yo' knows thet th' DSah environment is rare find now days. It's a place ah had hoped t'retire fum, an' still hopeful, ah reckon. Nervous as hell, but hopeful, ah reckon. Ennyway, yo' haf wawked fo' th' man long inough t'knows thet he's not cheatin' yo' outta ennythin'. Yo' will be paid ev'ry dime owed t'yo'. Gawd, ah cain't imagine bein' neighbo's wif some of y'all, ah reckon. Eff'n mah house were t'ketch on fire an' we lost all our belongin's, yo'd probably close yer blinds an' turn off th' po'ch light like we were pesty trick-o-treaters. Cut us some slack, please. An' remember, when yer stonin' Jedidiah, yer stonin' us, too.

Oh, an' one mo'e thin' befo'e ah hop down, as enny fool kin plainly see. Dental insurance. Woo. So we doesn't haf dental insurance fo' th' time bein'. Isn't it mo'e impo'tant t'have health insurance? It is t'me. Findin' a lump in a pertinent part is a helluva lot mo'e impo'tant than needin' t'have a cavity filled, cuss it all t' tarnation. An' Jedidiah is makin' sho'nuff we does not lose this hyar covahage. Some of yo' bellyachers... Man, as enny fool kin plainly see.

In closin', ah's a-gonna ax yo' t'please show some grace. Yer wo'ds is hurtful, ah reckon. Not jest t'Jedidiah. To all of us.

Now eff'n yo' read this hyar an' it pissed as a weasel in a blender yo' off, fine, thet kinda speaks fo' yer chareecker. It warn't mah intenshun t'tick ennyone off. Agin, we miss yo'. Neighbo'.

Mighty truly yourn.

Daisyie B. Slack
Texass Gal


You were soundly dismissed in post #1462. People like you, proud of receiving a paycheck for doing nothing, are among the many reasons your piece of shit company is tanking. You are a parasite. Try EARNING a living. Bottom feeder.

1. bottom feeder:
-leech, or in other words has a total lack of responsibility to provide for oneself. Relies heavily upon friends, neighbors or anyone really for sustenance. A slacker through and through.-
"Dude wakes up and thinks to himself, "Dang, dude, I don't have any money still", so he leaves his wallet at home on purpose and later says to his friends, "Whoops, dudes, I forgot my wallet today again, could you dudes please buy my lunch again?" What a bottom feeder. Dude.

Meanwhile, I've got yet another fat corporate paycheck to cash. Dumbass.

My man, you are a corporate kiss ass. I work for myself and have a handsome income. So run along now and play with the suits while you wait for the 1st and the 15th of each month to get your corporate crumbs. What a sad sad waste of life.

Mah turn t'stan' on th' soap box. Fust of all, thar is so much inaccurate info'mashun on this hyar board, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' varmints who is postin' the dawgoned-est pow'ful doesn't haf their facks straight. Rhonda. Who by th' way is owed less than th' cost of a burrito bowl, ah reckon. Eff'n yer hurtin' thet bad fo' cash, come see me. I'll pay yo' outta mah daycare budgit.

It jest amazes me how quickly varmints kin turn on one t'other. But ah guess thass whut diffruntiates us fum th' animals. Animals is loyal, ah reckon. Have yo' already fo'gotten how Jedidiah'd loan substantial amounts of money t'ennyone who came t'him? HVAC went out? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. Gwine through a nasty divo'ce? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. Oop! Fry mah hide! Car ingine blew up? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. It started t'git outta corntrol fo' a spell. Th' man is junerous t'a fault. An' now thet he has hit on hard times, yo' turn yer back on him, dawgone it. This hyar layoff has been ho'rific fo' ev'ryone. But whuffo' kick th' man while he's down? He is tryin'. We is tryin'! Fry mah hide! Them of us who is still wawkin' t'save th' compenny; is we notcher friends? We haf families t'feed as fine, an' we is bestin' our tails t'keep this hyar place afloat an' hopefully call yo' back. Shet mah mouth! We're hankerin' yo' back! Fry mah hide! Believe it o' not, we miss yo'. Even though yer stinkers. ah remember yo'. Th' ones who were th' fust in line t'getcher free possum. Or load up th' entire fambly t'feast on all yo' kin ett crabs an' beer. Thanks t'Jedidiah's junerosity. Fo' ennyone whose been aroun' th' co'po'ate wo'ld a spell, yo' knows thet th' DSah environment is rare find now days. It's a place ah had hoped t'retire fum, an' still hopeful, ah reckon. Nervous as hell, but hopeful, ah reckon. Ennyway, yo' haf wawked fo' th' man long inough t'knows thet he's not cheatin' yo' outta ennythin'. Yo' will be paid ev'ry dime owed t'yo'. Gawd, ah cain't imagine bein' neighbo's wif some of y'all, ah reckon. Eff'n mah house were t'ketch on fire an' we lost all our belongin's, yo'd probably close yer blinds an' turn off th' po'ch light like we were pesty trick-o-treaters. Cut us some slack, please. An' remember, when yer stonin' Jedidiah, yer stonin' us, too.

Oh, an' one mo'e thin' befo'e ah hop down, as enny fool kin plainly see. Dental insurance. Woo. So we doesn't haf dental insurance fo' th' time bein'. Isn't it mo'e impo'tant t'have health insurance? It is t'me. Findin' a lump in a pertinent part is a helluva lot mo'e impo'tant than needin' t'have a cavity filled, cuss it all t' tarnation. An' Jedidiah is makin' sho'nuff we does not lose this hyar covahage. Some of yo' bellyachers... Man, as enny fool kin plainly see.

In closin', ah's a-gonna ax yo' t'please show some grace. Yer wo'ds is hurtful, ah reckon. Not jest t'Jedidiah. To all of us.

Now eff'n yo' read this hyar an' it pissed as a weasel in a blender yo' off, fine, thet kinda speaks fo' yer chareecker. It warn't mah intenshun t'tick ennyone off. Agin, we miss yo'. Neighbo'.

Mighty truly yourn.

Daisyie B. Slack
Texass Gal

To whoever wrote this : Shame on you.

Anyone have an HSA account? When was your last deposit?
The most recent check withheld dental premium....but I thought we lost our dental insurance??

I'm confused??

Talk to HR:

Dental insurance. Woo. So we doesn't haf dental insurance fo' th' time bein'. Isn't it mo'e impo'tant t'have health insurance? It is t'me. Findin' a lump in a pertinent part is a helluva lot mo'e impo'tant than needin' t'have a cavity filled, cuss it all t' tarnation. An' Jedidiah is makin' sho'nuff we does not lose this hyar covahage. Some of yo' bellyachers... Man, as enny fool kin plainly see.

Anyone have an HSA account? When was your last deposit?
The most recent check withheld dental premium....but I thought we lost our dental insurance??

I'm confused??

Please let us know what you find out if you talk to HR!

I'm not worried about my less-than-a-burrito-bowl dental premium from my last check...but I want to know about my HSA.

Anyone have an HSA account? When was your last deposit?
The most recent check withheld dental premium....but I thought we lost our dental insurance??

I'm confused??

I had the HSA account before the lay-off. I contacted BCBS and moved those funds over too. I have no idea about what is being withheld from pay since I haven't seen an actual paystub since July.

Anyone left working that is following this board, they might still be with holding the $$ out of your pay but not actually paying it..apparently.

I had the HSA account before the lay-off. I contacted BCBS and moved those funds over too. I have no idea about what is being withheld from pay since I haven't seen an actual paystub since July.

Anyone left working that is following this board, they might still be with holding the $$ out of your pay but not actually paying it..apparently.

And that surprises you how?