Mah turn t'stan' on th' soap box. Fust of all, thar is so much inaccurate info'mashun on this hyar board, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' varmints who is postin' the dawgoned-est pow'ful doesn't haf their facks straight. Rhonda. Who by th' way is owed less than th' cost of a burrito bowl, ah reckon. Eff'n yer hurtin' thet bad fo' cash, come see me. I'll pay yo' outta mah daycare budgit.
It jest amazes me how quickly varmints kin turn on one t'other. But ah guess thass whut diffruntiates us fum th' animals. Animals is loyal, ah reckon. Have yo' already fo'gotten how Jedidiah'd loan substantial amounts of money t'ennyone who came t'him? HVAC went out? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. Gwine through a nasty divo'ce? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. Oop! Fry mah hide! Car ingine blew up? Jedidiah'd loan ya money. It started t'git outta corntrol fo' a spell. Th' man is junerous t'a fault. An' now thet he has hit on hard times, yo' turn yer back on him, dawgone it. This hyar layoff has been ho'rific fo' ev'ryone. But whuffo' kick th' man while he's down? He is tryin'. We is tryin'! Fry mah hide! Them of us who is still wawkin' t'save th' compenny; is we notcher friends? We haf families t'feed as fine, an' we is bestin' our tails t'keep this hyar place afloat an' hopefully call yo' back. Shet mah mouth! We're hankerin' yo' back! Fry mah hide! Believe it o' not, we miss yo'. Even though yer stinkers. ah remember yo'. Th' ones who were th' fust in line t'getcher free possum. Or load up th' entire fambly t'feast on all yo' kin ett crabs an' beer. Thanks t'Jedidiah's junerosity. Fo' ennyone whose been aroun' th' co'po'ate wo'ld a spell, yo' knows thet th' DSah environment is rare find now days. It's a place ah had hoped t'retire fum, an' still hopeful, ah reckon. Nervous as hell, but hopeful, ah reckon. Ennyway, yo' haf wawked fo' th' man long inough t'knows thet he's not cheatin' yo' outta ennythin'. Yo' will be paid ev'ry dime owed t'yo'. Gawd, ah cain't imagine bein' neighbo's wif some of y'all, ah reckon. Eff'n mah house were t'ketch on fire an' we lost all our belongin's, yo'd probably close yer blinds an' turn off th' po'ch light like we were pesty trick-o-treaters. Cut us some slack, please. An' remember, when yer stonin' Jedidiah, yer stonin' us, too.
Oh, an' one mo'e thin' befo'e ah hop down, as enny fool kin plainly see. Dental insurance. Woo. So we doesn't haf dental insurance fo' th' time bein'. Isn't it mo'e impo'tant t'have health insurance? It is t'me. Findin' a lump in a pertinent part is a helluva lot mo'e impo'tant than needin' t'have a cavity filled, cuss it all t' tarnation. An' Jedidiah is makin' sho'nuff we does not lose this hyar covahage. Some of yo' bellyachers... Man, as enny fool kin plainly see.
In closin', ah's a-gonna ax yo' t'please show some grace. Yer wo'ds is hurtful, ah reckon. Not jest t'Jedidiah. To all of us.
Now eff'n yo' read this hyar an' it pissed as a weasel in a blender yo' off, fine, thet kinda speaks fo' yer chareecker. It warn't mah intenshun t'tick ennyone off. Agin, we miss yo'. Neighbo'.
Mighty truly yourn.
Daisyie B. Slack
Texass Gal