Don't forget, EAP is available BEFORE the stress becomes unberable


Unfortunately for those of us who are in the "non-safe" team, the truth is the company has not treated us very well. There is no excuse, including the so-called bottom line, for not being 100% truthful and ACTUALLY transparent. I really can't tell you or even understand how people can drift so far from basic humanity??? But I can say that each and every one of us are worth many times more than the "Sr. Management" who chose to turn a business decision into mistreatment of good people who did their best to make this company profitable in spite of your callous incompetence. The saddest thing is that if we had a way to communicate our concerns without getting a low YER for being "negative" we would gladly prevented and corrected the critical errors.

So, regardless of what management says the most important thing is to take care of ourselves. If we are truly needed to meet the sales objective, then why are we being let go? If you feel like making calls, by all means do so. But if you don't feel like it, then do something constructive, work on your resume, network, review the job boards, have lunch with friends and family, see a movie, go to the gym, go to Church, read, call someone, whatever you need to stay strong. Also, start organizing and sorting through your office, especially making sure you have the legal hold documents ready. Keep your RFMs to a minimum to keep the time spent doing the expense reports to a minimum. Start car shopping if you will need to replace the company car. Go over your finances & identify ways you can cut expenses. Talk things over with your spouse or significant other. Do what's best for you and your family.

Also, rather than suffer with too much stress, remember we have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counseling availability 24 x 7 (the phone number is in the email sent immediately following the announcement in April.) They are supposed to be 100% confidential-but there is no way to know for sure, but it is MUCH better to seek help than to suffer alone.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Put your loving arms around each and every one of us. You know what we need better than we know, so Lord provide for us as only you can. Give us strength, help us choose the right words to our friends and loved ones, guide us, open our eyes to the plan and the goal you've set for us. Help us to be kind to ourselves and our loved ones. Work your miracles through us so that everyone will know Your power and Your glory. Give us the "peace beyond all understanding" help us to "count it all joy". Change the hearts and the minds of the leaders so that the work of this company can become a blessing producing MEDICINE that heals not harms, at a fair price so that those who need it can get it. Turn the heart of this company form cold to loving and providing for Your people. Bless those who are suffering the way you blessed Job. Make us powerful disciples and witnesses, spreading the Good News. I ask these things in the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ, Amen


Unfortunately for those of us who are in the "non-safe" team, the truth is the company has not treated us very well. There is no excuse, including the so-called bottom line, for not being 100% truthful and ACTUALLY transparent. I really can't tell you or even understand how people can drift so far from basic humanity??? But I can say that each and every one of us are worth many times more than the "Sr. Management" who chose to turn a business decision into mistreatment of good people who did their best to make this company profitable in spite of your callous incompetence. The saddest thing is that if we had a way to communicate our concerns without getting a low YER for being "negative" we would gladly prevented and corrected the critical errors.

So, regardless of what management says the most important thing is to take care of ourselves. If we are truly needed to meet the sales objective, then why are we being let go? If you feel like making calls, by all means do so. But if you don't feel like it, then do something constructive, work on your resume, network, review the job boards, have lunch with friends and family, see a movie, go to the gym, go to Church, read, call someone, whatever you need to stay strong. Also, start organizing and sorting through your office, especially making sure you have the legal hold documents ready. Keep your RFMs to a minimum to keep the time spent doing the expense reports to a minimum. Start car shopping if you will need to replace the company car. Go over your finances & identify ways you can cut expenses. Talk things over with your spouse or significant other. Do what's best for you and your family.

Also, rather than suffer with too much stress, remember we have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counseling availability 24 x 7 (the phone number is in the email sent immediately following the announcement in April.) They are supposed to be 100% confidential-but there is no way to know for sure, but it is MUCH better to seek help than to suffer alone.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Put your loving arms around each and every one of us. You know what we need better than we know, so Lord provide for us as only you can. Give us strength, help us choose the right words to our friends and loved ones, guide us, open our eyes to the plan and the goal you've set for us. Help us to be kind to ourselves and our loved ones. Work your miracles through us so that everyone will know Your power and Your glory. Give us the "peace beyond all understanding" help us to "count it all joy". Change the hearts and the minds of the leaders so that the work of this company can become a blessing producing MEDICINE that heals not harms, at a fair price so that those who need it can get it. Turn the heart of this company form cold to loving and providing for Your people. Bless those who are suffering the way you blessed Job. Make us powerful disciples and witnesses, spreading the Good News. I ask these things in the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ, Amen

And then do everything possible to f--k this sh!thole company over in every possible way.

I'm at my wits, having a nervous breakdown, can't stop crying, kicked the dog, yelled at the child, called EAP didn't press because its not life-threatening (yet) didn't know who I wanted to speak to so I didn't know what extension to type in so i tried 0, it hung up on me. I'm doomed.

I'm at my wits, having a nervous breakdown, can't stop crying, kicked the dog, yelled at the child, called EAP didn't press because its not life-threatening (yet) didn't know who I wanted to speak to so I didn't know what extension to type in so i tried 0, it hung up on me. I'm doomed.

Pray the following 63 times.

Virgin Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me.

the ONLY reason for EAP is for the company to limit their liability. When something bad happens, and the company is sued, they can just say "Your honor, we had a EAP in place, and made sure our workers knew about it....." Keep in mind anything you say in an EAP session is recorded and can be used against you by the company.

Unfortunately the only thing EAP can do is refer you to some resources, assign you a case #, and then not much else.

If you are in dire shape, perhaps a short-term disability is an option. Talk to your doctor. Some of my former colleagues had to be treated by psychiatrists and/or counselors and were on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Looking back, I hope those managers know what they have done to other fellow human beings.

EAP is to serve the COMPANY, not you. They use low-level "counselors" whose purpose is to asses threat risk. If you say anything that might pose a threat to the company, it will be reported back to Merck and you will be terminated. They are paid by Merck and serve the corporation's interest.

If you need help seek out your OWN doctor/therarapist through the health insurance or better yet your own pocket. Or better yet, formulate your own action plan and be a teacher and teach some lessons.

I don't think EAP would spy for Merck. Unless we have a new one. It is an outside contractor. They care about assigning you a case # and report to Merck they are "helping" so many Merck employees to keep their contract and get paid. Whether you are helped or not is insignificant to them.

Short-term disability and getting treated by a real doctor may be better for you if it is that bad.

I don't think EAP would spy for Merck. Unless we have a new one. It is an outside contractor. They care about assigning you a case # and report to Merck they are "helping" so many Merck employees to keep their contract and get paid. Whether you are helped or not is insignificant to them.

Short-term disability and getting treated by a real doctor may be better for you if it is that bad.

They are an outside contractor for MERCK. they work for MERCK, not employees. If you tell the EAP counselor something that could be damaging to MERCK, that information will be given to MERCK security and you will be dealt with, be put on the fast list for termination. MERCK uses the EAP to learn who the most troubled, likely violent employees are.