DOJ Brillinta


So, what do you think we are going to hear tomorrow being that is has taken this LONG to get a response? Here are some possible options:
1. Yeah, there seemed to be something to the allegations but not enough to taint the trial (best case scenario)
2. Yeah, we do think AZ under reported deaths in Poland and Hungry. We are not going to make you do a new trial but you can wipe your ass with that CV mortality benefit
3. Yeah, you at AZ definitely tried to pull one over on the old FDA, we are putting you all on another CD, fining you and taking away your ability to talk about CV death - have fun marketing that POS now!
4. Yeah, you at AZ are total fuckwads and we are turning this over to the FDA with a recommendation to fine you and pull the product from the market until further studies can be conducted. . . or. . . .
5. Ah, your drug is fine. We were just fucking with you. . . .

Votes please!