CV CuTS Internal announcement July 1 2023

Why should they care? They have been filling their pockets year after year they get all leadership roles. Sarah doesn't give a damn to diversity. AZ doesn't give a damn to diversity. All they talk is inclusion & check the box. You'll see 1 diverse person in the room at the most but not in the senior leadership role. They are reserved for Calandras, Jessicas and Kim G's
Sarah needs to learn from Liz. Look at the diversity in her team and look at Sarah's team

& not picking them based on their skin color is also racism. When you don't have anyone in the room that looks like you there's an issue whether you see it or decide to ignore it

Did you actually mean to state the first sentence? Shows that your entire persona is based on race. Not a way to succeed. Stop looking at everything through the race lens and own your strengths and your weaknesses and you will be better off. Too many people are not able to understand their weaknesses and then look for excuses.

& not picking them based on their skin color is also racism. When you don't have anyone in the room that looks like you there's an issue whether you see it or decide to ignore it

Ask yourself this question, if you’re brave enough: How has AZ done in recent years with its current racial makeup? The answer is- pretty damn well. It was the vision and discipline of Pascal Soirot - a middle aged white male- that turned around a company that was on the brink of being taken over by those vampires from Pfizer. There’s no need to change if what you have is already killing it in the marketplace, providing a stable living for tens of thousands, and enriching shareholders (not to mention helping patients in the process). What else is there for a business to aspire to? Stop looking for problems where they don’t exist.

Talk about diversity I just got a look at the new Tacoma Wa rep. He's very young. I'd say right out of college. Tattoos visible all over, long greasy hair, terrificly bad hygiene. He also had several nose rings and ear plugs in. I cant even comment about the attire. Are you really letting your reps wear sandals,shorts and tank tops to work?

He told me he got the job because his parents are good friends with his. manager.

Talk about diversity I just got a look at the new Tacoma Wa rep. He's very young. I'd say right out of college. Tattoos visible all over, long greasy hair, terrificly bad hygiene. He also had several nose rings and ear plugs in. I cant even comment about the attire. Are you really letting your reps wear sandals,shorts and tank tops to work?

He told me he got the job because his parents are good friends with his. manager.

I'll call BS on that one. Funny though.

Here Here! With the moves being made to reduce costs this frees up millions. It will be a great way AZ can show the world they are out to help. They can take these savings and continue to work with the state of California to help fund reparations.