Cuts in bonuses and demotion?!


Someone in AZ is poisoning the well.

That person has obviously NEVER run/ held/managed or ever held a specialty or institutional role in the industry.

As a result of their incomitence and clever use of soiling the word "equity" they're racing at least 2 divisions towards the bottom of the industries pay scale.

In 2022-2023, two groups will be moved out of biologics and into the much lower salaried institutional channels. All the result of someone hired into a big title role who doesn't understand the businesses been tasked to manage.

So, who's poisoning the well?


Someone in AZ is poisoning the well.

That person has obviously NEVER run/ held/managed or ever held a specialty or institutional role in the industry.

As a result of their incomitence and clever use of soiling the word "equity" they're racing at least 2 divisions towards the bottom of the industries pay scale.

In 2022-2023, two groups will be moved out of biologics and into the much lower salaried institutional channels. All the result of someone hired into a big title role who doesn't understand the businesses been tasked to manage.

So, who's poisoning the well?

Did you expect something different?
I read between the lines- the inequity between Alexion salaries, equity and culture will be converted to that of an Astra Zeneca “soldier’s” wage and mindset. Why lift up the rest of the troops when you can lower expectations for your rebellious yet profitable new acquisition. It’s amazing to see who is allowed to run down that business. Get out when you can.