Current Merck Retirees

Many of us have Merck stocks. So we are have votes. You need to read up on this difficult concept before acting like a grown child.

You must have parents unless you are an immaculate conception (research on this difficult concept too)? Would you tell your parents who have raised, fed, and may still house you that they are now old, go wear diapers and crap? That they have hit a certain age and are of no value to the society?

Do you know many retirees go on mission trips domestically and abroad? Do you know many of them tutor disadvantaged children? Do you know they volunteer to enrich the society? I met many of them volunteering at the local soup kitchen. Have you ever done that? Or any of these activities? Habitat for Humanity?

Merck does not cut people who are unproductive. That was what they said during the very first round of layoff. They said what's left were the best, the brightest, and the most productive. Guess what? They kept laying off more. They use that as an excuse to keep expenses, optimize returns, and keep the dividends coming to my account.

You need therapy for anger management.

What a rant from an effete snob. It is not my job to take care of you,your parents, your kids or anyone else.Get some self reliance and get off your ass. Your perceived to clutter this site is beyond comprehension. Fortuitously, your future with Merck is being decided this week and it isn't much of a future.

What a rant from an effete snob. It is not my job to take care of you,your parents, your kids or anyone else.Get some self reliance and get off your ass. Your perceived to clutter this site is beyond comprehension. Fortuitously, your future with Merck is being decided this week and it isn't much of a future.

You know many of us have retired from Merck as millionaires? We enjoy reading your ranting and checking on our investments while sipping coffee.

Did you take your ED drug before going? You old farts are no longer relevant so just fade away to your nursing home!

In actuality, we old farts own a big chunk of Merck and are very proud of the fact. See we know how useless and conniving you are. A drag on the company and valueless to society. Go serve lunch then go home before more business is lost in the process!

You know many of us have retired from Merck as millionaires? We enjoy reading your ranting and checking on our investments while sipping coffee.

Since when is $1 million anything to brag about. I'm 42 and I'm already there plus some. Please tell me you're talking 10 or 15 million? Also there are 2.88 billion shares of Merck. Do you really think your vote matters. If you do you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Enjoy your coffee and keep looking at your little baby investments. Maybe go back to school, get an MBA, and finally make something of your pathetic miserable old life. Just remember the time is ticking. You have more years behind you than ahead of you. So stop being such an idiot and do something with your life. Let's start by you not posting here.

Maybe that's something that your daddy should've told you 300 years ago. You also probably smell like cabbage. Shower more.

Since when is $1 million anything to brag about. I'm 42 and I'm already there plus some. Please tell me you're talking 10 or 15 million? Also there are 2.88 billion shares of Merck. Do you really think your vote matters. If you do you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Enjoy your coffee and keep looking at your little baby investments. Maybe go back to school, get an MBA, and finally make something of your pathetic miserable old life. Just remember the time is ticking. You have more years behind you than ahead of you. So stop being such an idiot and do something with your life. Let's start by you not posting here.

Maybe that's something that your daddy should've told you 300 years ago. You also probably smell like cabbage. Shower more.

Ouch, that hurts.

Nothing hurts more than a group of complete assholes that suck the life out of life. They need exterminated!

Maybe a thank you is in order? You need to learn how to take constructive criticism. Who cares what you did yesterday. It's more important to learn from yesterday but focus on tomorrow. I am not offended by what you wrote. I would have to care to be offended.

Just trying to help. It's not my problem it doesn't get into your thick head.

Work on it.

Since when is $1 million anything to brag about. I'm 42 and I'm already there plus some. Please tell me you're talking 10 or 15 million? Also there are 2.88 billion shares of Merck. Do you really think your vote matters. If you do you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Enjoy your coffee and keep looking at your little baby investments. Maybe go back to school, get an MBA, and finally make something of your pathetic miserable old life. Just remember the time is ticking. You have more years behind you than ahead of you. So stop being such an idiot and do something with your life. Let's start by you not posting here.

Maybe that's something that your daddy should've told you 300 years ago. You also probably smell like cabbage. Shower more.

Great Post!! These old f'ers need to move on!!

Maybe a thank you is in order? You need to learn how to take constructive criticism. Who cares what you did yesterday. It's more important to learn from yesterday but focus on tomorrow. I am not offended by what you wrote. I would have to care to be offended.

Just trying to help. It's not my problem it doesn't get into your thick head.

Work on it.

We constantly learned from the past in all we did and will do - that is why we were and are successful. We didn't whine, complain, we SOLD.As a result, most of us are millionaires and very secure. Because we did work we were rewarded for our efforts. Judging by the eternal tripe on these threads it is no wonder that you are on the dung heap of life. Get off the thread that affirms success and get back to the 15 felon.

Since when is $1 million anything to brag about. I'm 42 and I'm already there plus some. Please tell me you're talking 10 or 15 million? Also there are 2.88 billion shares of Merck. Do you really think your vote matters. If you do you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Enjoy your coffee and keep looking at your little baby investments. Maybe go back to school, get an MBA, and finally make something of your pathetic miserable old life. Just remember the time is ticking. You have more years behind you than ahead of you. So stop being such an idiot and do something with your life. Let's start by you not posting here.

Maybe that's something that your daddy should've told you 300 years ago. You also probably smell like cabbage. Shower more.

A million is a good start. Then add on social security. You can actually live on social security and the dividends without touching the principal. Consider many old farts like myself have no debts anymore. I voted during the mid-term election. I am an optimist. I think my vote matters. Many of us, including myself, already have advanced degrees. We had our MBA's while you were swimming in someone's private part. We did quantitative analysis and the queuing theory while you were wearing diaper. Merck was good to me. It was the first half of my life. These days I am traveling, volunteering, exercising, learning new skills, and enjoy reading your delusional posts.

We constantly learned from the past in all we did and will do - that is why we were and are successful. We didn't whine, complain, we SOLD.As a result, most of us are millionaires and very secure. Because we did work we were rewarded for our efforts. Judging by the eternal tripe on these threads it is no wonder that you are on the dung heap of life. Get off the thread that affirms success and get back to the 15 felon.

With no laptop we used to just sell. Now they are walking billboards. With no lunch money we just sold. Now they are caterers. With no fancy data we probed, asked around, and discovered info about our customers. Now they just stare at the crappy data and think it is gospel.

With no laptop we used to just sell. Now they are walking billboards. With no lunch money we just sold. Now they are caterers. With no fancy data we probed, asked around, and discovered info about our customers. Now they just stare at the crappy data and think it is gospel.

Get a life and a shower. You can tell an old Merck rep sitting in a doctor's office by the smell of wilting cabbage! FU old timers!

Get a life and a shower. You can tell an old Merck rep sitting in a doctor's office by the smell of wilting cabbage! FU old timers!

And we can tell and are embarrassed when we see you fools walk into an office with the pizza boxes what an embarrassing scenio. In our time we would not be seen on such a situation. You are as unprofessional as it can get. Ameobic ooze.

Remember to take your laxative stinky old geezer!

I assume you need to pickup your office lunch soon so I will make this short. Getting together with several old timers to begin our investment strategy for 15. It is tough managing all our money. After we adjourn, it will be happy hour. One thing that will not be on our minds is you or your ilk.

Ok...lets stop bashing each other. Those still working are trying to survive is a job that is becoming outdated. I feel bad for those remaining and wish hem the best. My last couple years drove me nuts with all the dumb things the company wanted us to do. We, as retirees, know how good we had it when it was easy to see a doctor and show him/her scientific evidence that supported our claims. Unlike the garbage detail aids we had to use in later years that were glossy marketing tools. That's when our job, in the eyes of the doctor really started to slide. It became a world of messaging, not science. I feel lucky I'm retired, but also care about those still at the company, just trying to survive.