Could i pleases have those 60 minutes of my life back?

Take your manager on a field ride, get on the interstate and floor it. As soon as you come to an overpass, pretend you're having a seizure and steer right into the concrete abutment.

Problem solved...

This may sound funny to some but I had a DM so frightened of riding with me that he rarely did. We'd meet at Starbucks, review sales, he'd make 1 call with me and leave.

Have your manager demonstrate to you on the next call how to move business. My guess is she will not be able to

If the DM had anything pertinent to add, which obviously she did not, she should have spoken up and interjected during the call. It's very possible to speak up and still come off like DM/ REP are on the same team-- Instead, she stood by mute, impotent. She sounds young, not ready for the job. We've all seen so much of that crap--yet she'll work for much less than many of the older, more experienced DM's who were let go in years gone by. Stupid Pfizer. Stupid, stupid Pfizer.

If the DM had anything pertinent to add, which obviously she did not, she should have spoken up and interjected during the call. It's very possible to speak up and still come off like DM/ REP are on the same team-- Instead, she stood by mute, impotent. She sounds young, not ready for the job. We've all seen so much of that crap--yet she'll work for much less than many of the older, more experienced DM's who were let go in years gone by. Stupid Pfizer. Stupid, stupid Pfizer.

So true, I know many younger DMs, both male and female, who do not know how to engage the customer and remain mute during the call. Then following, they have so much to say and analyze, role play. A good DM knows how to include themselves in the conversation without taking over. I use to ask my reps to take me to their toughest challenge and together see if we can make some progress. Sometimes we did, sometimes we did not, but this is reality.