Congress could soon allow pension plans to cut benefits for current retirees

Agreed. We are in the 'transition' phase now until dec 2019. Anyone grandfathered under the old calculation needs to get out by then. After that, nothing.

Actually, you don't have to leave in 2019. What you earn up to that point will be frozen. You will be working for your salary, 401k, and a small percentage of your income put into an account. People not 55 by 2019 will get spanked the worst though!

This is about right. The rich getting richer and corporations getting mightier - and all the republican lemmings not realizing how they are getting used and brainwashed for their benefit.

The new year approaching and can't wait. The people that pay for this country are going to take it back. Balls are going to be cut!

Screw all the old people! Power to the millennials!!!

Go pop a zit you pimple faced Cherry Too bad us grey beards make twice as much ...but that's
right, since you live in mommy and daddy's basement your rent is real cheap only problem is you hear this every night ...Johnny...Johnny
what that thumping noise down there in the basement What's that case of KY jelly for Johnny...Johnny ..... who's that other boy down there with you
Maaaa...'s just Mike Hawk

Screw all the old people! Power to the millennials!!!

It has nothing to do with screwing people. It just makes for good business. You don't produce product, create sales or add any intellectual property. You instantaneously become a liability and a drain to the company. At that point the company becomes your keeper. People are living longer also. That is a problem. Do you really expect Merck to support you for 30 years? How can any company stay in business. The cuts are needed so everyone gets something. By taking a cut you are helping out fellow employees and the company. It's not bad to be a team player. You are still a member of the Merck family, admired and respected.