Comparing Job Opportunities- Work/Life Balance of OR based reps


Would you guys prefer to work for someone like BD, CareFusion, Baxter, where you are calling on Materials/Nursing or an OR based job like Stryker or Depuy-Synthes. Basically my background is selling capital and consumables for one of the aforementioned companies, however I'm considering if it will benefit my career to move into a role where I gain experience in the OR. I have to say, my work life balance right now is pretty great however the earnings potential is capped at about 130k per year. Would be interested to know your thoughts on the longevity between the two types of roles and how my career will progress depending on which I choose. Pretty much, I'm looking for the highest paying role with stability while also having the time to be able to do the things I enjoy in my spare time. Thanks in advance.


I've been in both roles. There is no right answer but having to be on call and having to cover surgeries/ cases really blows. It's not the end of the world, and you get to see some very cool and exciting things being in the OR but it takes its toll. Your night or weekend can be ruined by the drop of a phone call. Running late or have to cancel because of an personal reason? Good luck with that when trying to get a surgery.

This post isn't meant to act like reps are on the level of surgeons or are absolutely necessary to having a procedure done. But the stress of dealing with the OR really sucks. If the money is close, its not worth it.

I've been in both roles. There is no right answer but having to be on call and having to cover surgeries/ cases really blows. It's not the end of the world, and you get to see some very cool and exciting things being in the OR but it takes its toll. Your night or weekend can be ruined by the drop of a phone call. Running late or have to cancel because of an personal reason? Good luck with that when trying to get a surgery.

This post isn't meant to act like reps are on the level of surgeons or are absolutely necessary to having a procedure done. But the stress of dealing with the OR really sucks. If the money is close, its not worth it.

Thanks for sharing. The OR sounds exciting, however the work life balance is what concerns me. So far the money I've been making outside the OR is on par with the reps inside the OR. And for that reason, it's just tough to justify working more hours and not seeing much of a financial gain.

For me it wasn't so much the work life balance, it was the unpredictability of it. Even the nights or weekends you weren't called in, you still were worrying about it in the back of your mind. Or the phone call with "the case is about to start how fast can you get here".

My wife used to work for BD. Some of the divisions are just calling on nursing and materials, but anything capital there and you're going all the way up to C-Suite. Overall solid company.

For OR, it depends on the portfolio you're selling. If your products are only for scheduled, elective procedures (implants, etc) you'll enjoy a 7-3pm or 7-5pm working day nearly always. If it's anything trauma related, you're on call, and to previous comments, if you don't show up your surgeon will be only too happy to go to a competitor.

Many Stryker ortho reps (hips, knees) also have trauma in their bag. Often 3-4 reps will work an area, and will take turns being on call for Trauma cases (ie: Steve gets Monday-Tuesday, Dave gets Wed-Thurs, etc). This makes it more manageable from a work/life/sanity standpoint