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CEO Brennan is out, retiring, CFO Lowth interim CEO from June


Well I guess you won't be sticking around. Who's next, start lining up? Time to clean house in upper management, and these 'leaders' can go and wreck havoc somewhere else.

Ref: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-...rennan-to-retire-lowth-named-interim-ceo.html

AstraZeneca’s Brennan to Retire; Lowth Named Interim CEO
By Allison Connolly - Apr 26, 2012 5:19 AM ET

AstraZeneca Plc (AZN) Chief Executive Officer David Brennan will retire from his post, ending a six- year tenure after repeated failures in drug development left investors skeptical of the company’s earnings prospects.

Simon Lowth, the chief financial officer, will serve as interim CEO until a replacement is chosen, the London-based company said today in a statement. AstraZeneca today cut its profit forecast for the year after first-quarter revenue sank on “challenging market conditions” and the loss of patent protection on several medicines. The stock fell the most in more than two years.

“This will be received positively,” Mark Belsey, an analyst at WestLB in London, said of Brennan’s departure in a telephone interview. “Brennan has done a good job but it’s time for someone to reinvigorate the pipeline. I still think licensing and small acquisitions are the way to go. They need someone to bring that strategy into play.” He recommends selling the shares.

Speculation mounted in March that Brennan, 58, would leave the job after the company nominated a new chairman. He steps down after AstraZeneca cut thousands of jobs, boosted dividends and bought back billions of dollars in shares. Sales growth slowed after patent protection was lost on medicines including Arimidex and Casodex for cancer, and the company didn’t bring enough new products to market.
Stock Slump

AstraZeneca fell 4.9 percent to 2,702.5 pence at 10:15 a.m. in London, giving the company a market value of 34.3 billion pounds ($55.6 billion). The shares fell as much as 6.3 percent, the biggest intraday decline since Dec. 17, 2010.

Before today, the stock had returned 38 percent including reinvested dividends during Brennan’s tenure through the end of last week, outpacing the 26 percent return for the Bloomberg Europe Pharmaceutical Index.

Most of those returns came from dividend payments. The stock sells for 7.4 times estimated 2012 profit, the lowest among the world’s 10 biggest drugmakers, reflecting investor skepticism about growth prospects.

Core earnings per share this year will be $5.85 to $6.15, the company said in a separate statement. AstraZeneca, the U.K.’s second-biggest drugmaker after GlaxoSmithKline Plc, in February forecast $6 to $6.30 a share. Revenue in the first quarter dropped 11 percent to $7.35 billion. Analysts predicted sales of $7.95 billion, the average of 21 estimates compiled by Bloomberg.
New Chairman

Andrew Baum, an analyst at Citigroup Inc., said in March that the appointment of Leif Johansson as chairman “would create the kind of board stability needed for management changes.” The Financial Times reported April 9 that some shareholders wanted to see Brennan ousted.

Johansson will take over the non-executive post from Louis Schweitzer on June 1, three months earlier than planned, to oversee the selection of a new CEO, AstraZeneca said. The company said it will consider internal and external candidates. Johansson’s appointment is subject to shareholder approval at the annual meeting today. Julie Brown, a finance executive at the company, will become interim chief financial officer.

“The decision to retire was entirely my decision,” Brennan told journalists on a conference call today. “I had been thinking about it for a while. It was time for someone else to take the company to the next level.”

Brennan, an American, began his career as a pharmaceutical salesman for Merck & Co. (MRK), and later ran Merck’s collaboration with Swedish drugmaker Astra AB. Zeneca Group Plc bought Astra in 1999 to form AstraZeneca.
Research Focus

He took over as CEO at the start of 2006, replacing Tom McKillop. Brennan resisted the industry trends of expanding beyond patented pharmaceuticals or engaging in mega-mergers to offset the looming loss of sales to generic competitors. Instead, he focused on developing new medicines, either through in-house research or licensing agreements. “We’re going to figure out how to get through this,” he said in a 2010 interview.

While waiting for new products to emerge and boost earnings, AstraZeneca rewarded investors with cash. The company raised its dividend every year he was CEO, and Brennan oversaw AstraZeneca’s biggest share buyback last year, at $5 billion.

The drug development effort struggled. AstraZeneca in December terminated development of olaparib for ovarian cancer and ended a late-stage study of TC-5214 for severe depression. The Food and Drug Administration asked for more information on the diabetes treatment dapagliflozin, and may require new clinical trials, AstraZeneca and partner Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. said in January. The European Union’s drug regulator last week recommended approval of dapagliflozin.
Generic Competition

In 2010, AstraZeneca dropped development of motavizumab for infant respiratory disease, after a U.S. advisory panel recommended against approval of the drug. A study in May 2010 showed the experimental drug Recentin didn’t help colon cancer patients. In June of that year, the FDA failed to approve Axanum for ulcers. Four potential blockbusters failed in late-stage trials between 2006 and 2008.

Drugs that account for more than 40 percent of sales will lose patent protection by the end of 2014. AstraZeneca’s second- best-selling drug, Seroquel for schizophrenia, lost U.S. patent protection in March, while the patent on Nexium for ulcers, the third-biggest seller, expires in the U.S. in 2014. The two generated $5.3 billion and $5 billion in sales last year, respectively.
Seroquel Sales

Sales of Seroquel slumped 15 percent at constant exchange rates in the first quarter to $1.14 billion. Nexium, which already faces generic competition in Europe and Canada, slid 18 percent to $953 million and cancer treatment Arimidex fell 39 percent to $144 million. Sales of its blockbuster cholesterol drug Crestor were nearly unchanged from a year ago at $1.5 billion.

Crestor, its top seller with $5.7 billion in 2011 sales, faced increased competition from a copy of Pfizer Inc. (PFE)’s Lipitor in November.

AstraZeneca agreed on April 23 to buy Ardea Biosciences Inc. (RDEA) for $1.26 billion, gaining a drug called lesinurad, which is in most advanced phase of clinical tests for patients who have too much urea in their blood. The acquisition was the company’s first of more than $1 billion since buying MedImmune Inc. in 2007 for about $15.2 billion, and Brennan said in February he wasn’t looking for another deal of that size.

To contact the reporter on this story: Allison Connolly in Frankfurt at aconnolly4@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Phil Serafino at pserafino@bloomberg.net


for him to be going at such short notice and with no replacement lined up and also bringing forward the arrival of the new chairman then Brennan must've been pushed. This is a desparate measure for a company in a desperate situation.

for him to be going at such short notice and with no replacement lined up and also bringing forward the arrival of the new chairman then Brennan must've been pushed. This is a desparate measure for a company in a desperate situation.
Of course he was pushed. Did you see the sales results? If AZ was a bank it would be closed down for insolvency. He is 58 and making millions as head of what was once one of the top 5 Pharma companies in the world. Nobody leaves that job because they want to spend more time with family. When you leave voluntarily, you first pick your successor and that didn't happen here. If I was a level 8 or above, I would start looking for something else because whoever takes over is going to want to totally clean house. See ya Fante and all of those like you.

for him to be going at such short notice and with no replacement lined up and also bringing forward the arrival of the new chairman then Brennan must've been pushed. This is a desparate measure for a company in a desperate situation.

He's been haning on for a year. I am sur ethey have their search completed. Look for someone on the board.

At last you can get rid of that group of intellectual losers - Fante et al. All theory, no business sense. None.

Those guys have the ear of Zook, and absolutely zero business acumen. Confirmed. Zook uses them like a glove puppet

Maybe now my options have a chance before they expire. Maybe not.

The rats are now really leaving the sinking ship, emphasis on rat. How long until the mega-merger/dissolution of AZ as an ongoing enterprise now? Can you say fire sale?

Thinking that changes may not happen too quickly for management, but eventually there would be a shake out. Hopefully they'll shake the U.S. by its feet.
Ya think? Unless the replacement is Zook, guys like Fante, Tilton are history. All that is needed is a face to face meeting with anyone still working here and ask one question, What do you think of our current sales leadership? Hold on and strap it up because change is a comin.

Hey Dave, how does it feel to leave in disgrace? At least you will have your golden parachute as a consolation prize, unlike all the others you fired with your laser focus on finances. A fitting fate for someone who ruthlessly fired so many others.

Brennan's ouster at AstraZeneca sets stage for big changes in R&D
April 26, 2012 | By John Carroll

The ongoing restructuring underway at AstraZeneca ($AZN) claimed one more employee today: The chief architect.

CEO David Brennan has abruptly resigned--pushed in a coup, according to the BBC--with plans to hand over the reins to CFO Simon Lowth as the pharma giant begins the hunt for a new chief. Leif Johansson will move in to the non-executive chairman's spot June 1, moving up the date on the planned switch out at the top to provide some stability for a company undergoing wrenching changes.

Brennan's departure marks the end of a 6-year stint plagued with R&D setbacks capped by layoffs and a restive crowd of investors and analysts increasingly frustrated by the company's failure to execute an effective and ambitious round of acquisitions and licensing deals. His resignation will take him out of the firing line for the annual meeting after the company reported a 44% plunge in first quarter profits, a predictable result of new generic competition for Seroquel.

Brennan's R&D strategy in anticipation of the patent cliff has been widely viewed as a complete bust, leaving the company with the weakest late-stage pipeline in Big Pharma. His $15 billion deal to acquire MedImmune has netted no new big products. And a string of clinical setbacks was capped recently by the failure of a Phase III depression program. In response, Brennan has been axing staffers, most recently offering plans to chop 2,200 research workers in a new round of layoffs.

The focus now is on AstraZeneca's next steps on the deal-making side. The company has been scrambling to come up with a round of acquisitions, like its recently announced plan to buy Ardea for $1.26 billion. And Brennan said today that that strategy will continue as the company adds more such deals in the single-digit billion dollar range.

AstraZeneca has emerged as one of the most likely companies to play White Knight to Amylin ($AMLN), which has been fending off a reported buyout offer from Bristol-Myers Squibb ($BMY). The company's willingness to go in any disease direction to strike new deals will make it a possible bidder for a range of biotechs. And in this heated M&A environment, with a string of companies like Bayer already scouting significant buyouts, keeping AstraZeneca in the M&A game will likely help add to the premiums sellers can expect.

Hey Dave, how does it feel to leave in disgrace? At least you will have your golden parachute as a consolation prize, unlike all the others you fired with your laser focus on finances. A fitting fate for someone who ruthlessly fired so many others.

They don't have much time to do something. Revenues are quickly tanking, at a rate much faster than their highly accurate sales projections had predicted. What a surprise to all of us, indeed. Values are likely only going to go further down the longer they wait to act. Massive restructuring likely to be announced with the mid year results and with the acceleration of the new chairman being fully on board on June 1st now. Is it already too late to panic?

He's been haning on for a year. I am sur ethey have their search completed. Look for someone on the board.

At last you can get rid of that group of intellectual losers - Fante et al. All theory, no business sense. None.

Those guys have the ear of Zook, and absolutely zero business acumen. Confirmed. Zook uses them like a glove puppet

Maybe now my options have a chance before they expire. Maybe not.
We have an intellectual in the White House who surrounded himself with intellectuals, i.e. College Professor who talk about everything but do nothing. Doe that sound familiar? And look how that is working out for us.