Can Someone Please Tell me how Merck Screwed Me?


Here is the situation.

I ranked a 5 for IBR. This is the highest tier. But my bonus payout was less than 50% of the target for the entire year.


You have to laugh at this insanity. You don't have another choice. Did anyone else find themselves in the same boat?


Assuming you got the 1S payout last Sept/Oct, you may have been "down bucketed," "indexed" or just a victim of an honest mistake. I suggest you participate in the current IC teleconferences.

Here is the situation.

I ranked a 5 for IBR. This is the highest tier. But my bonus payout was less than 50% of the target for the entire year.


You have to laugh at this insanity. You don't have another choice. Did anyone else find themselves in the same boat?

I don't want to let the cat out of the bag but rumor has it that instead of a monetary incentive, Merck is planning on giving out a nice Lucite paper weight with "good job" engraved on it for all the top performers. A permanent reminder of how Merck appreciates all your hard work and dedication. This is a keepsake that will last a lifetime, you would only blow the money on cheap booze and gambling anyway.

Note: The rumor that KF will be receiving a 70 thousand gallon indoor Lucite swimming pool for all his stellar contributions is NOT true