Can I ride a bike if I’m taking Farxiga?


I’m very concerned after my dr prescribed farxiga. The side effect regarding bacterial infection of the taint area scares me. I ride extensively for exercise but I’m worried about the pressure the seat does in that area, Am I over thinking this?


I’m very concerned after my dr prescribed farxiga. The side effect regarding bacterial infection of the taint area scares me. I ride extensively for exercise but I’m worried about the pressure the seat does in that area, Am I over thinking this?

would be no different than other products in the same class. Talk to your doctor. Coining here isn’t a place for medical advice.

But losing your taint to an infection is. The question is if riding would be a hazard since it puts a lot of pressure on that area. Try to pay attention!!

probably depends if you have the taint of a beached whale or an in-shape, avid cyclist… if you’re questioning it, it’s probably more on you than the drug…