
The real shit show are the lame northeast reps who keep complaining about goals. You don’t think we know who you are? Don’t worry, you won’t have to worry about your goals much longer. Your new goal will be being first in the unemployment line.


ShIt show? Have you taken a look at YTD growth? The Northeast is leading with the highest growth numb nuts. Go back to your cubical Kathy Kobe and pretend you are worth anything!

its all one big shit show no matter how you cut it. If you have a halfway decent manager it will be bareable. If not, you’re screwed. Get your acts together RD team and keep your reps happy. Take the stick out of your ass and stop pretending like this is complicated because it’s not. Let your reps do their thing, treat them with respect and don’t try to manage them.

its all one big shit show no matter how you cut it. If you have a halfway decent manager it will be bareable. If not, you’re screwed. Get your acts together RD team and keep your reps happy. Take the stick out of your ass and stop pretending like this is complicated because it’s not. Let your reps do their thing, treat them with respect and don’t try to manage them.
thanks for the advice, NOT

There are several territories like that in the north and Midwest too (especially qtr over qtr). All the top territories are the Pedi reps. Pedi goals are based off volume for the previous 3 months (and 24 months to account for seasonality). Several of the top territories were at the bottom for Q3 because of the hurricanes, Now it artificially looks like they’re smashing their goals because their volume came back. It sucks, but at least I can figure out where the numbers are from.

What I don’t understand are all the territories with negative Vol and MS growth sitting at 105, 108 and higher GA.

Perry thinks these are the best of the best. Totty gets to go to PC but his Zone is the worst performing. What's worse is the PC will be mostly gulf zone reps many are negative yoy while A & C zone are carrying the NBU. A&C zones are the ATM's for the other Sh!t zones.. A&C make the money D & E get it for doing nothing.

Perry thinks these are the best of the best. Totty gets to go to PC but his Zone is the worst performing. What's worse is the PC will be mostly gulf zone reps many are negative yoy while A & C zone are carrying the NBU. A&C zones are the ATM's for the other Sh!t zones.. A&C make the money D & E get it for doing nothing.

Are you new here? Have you seen the market shares in the D & E zones? They’ve been carrying the load since the Vyvanse launch. The gulf coast zone has 8-10% higher market share than A&C zones even after launching our own competitive product. Of course there is going to be some canibalization when you have some of the highest market shares. And many states in zones A & C have a hell of a lot better access than we do in zone D.

Calibration is a fucking joke. The whole process is. Give me my review, let me write mine. Take into consideration my numbers and all the other subjective things I've done over the year. (Not all territories are created equal) and be done with it. At least they changed the %s per Mike's email.

This person should be fired strictly because of their stupidity.

Perry thinks these are the best of the best. Totty gets to go to PC but his Zone is the worst performing. What's worse is the PC will be mostly gulf zone reps many are negative yoy while A & C zone are carrying the NBU. A&C zones are the ATM's for the other Sh!t zones.. A&C make the money D & E get it for doing nothing.

I don’t know if you’re a Ped rep, but I’m an adult rep in one of those zones (A, C) and the YoY isn’t what’s pissing me off. It’s seeing a P/VP Club filled with reps in the bottom for Myd in a launch year!

I have a tough access territory and finally get to launch a drug with access (with the savings card) only to be told NAH not this launch buddy, we’re overpaying for random goal attainment for ped heavy, Medicaid preferred territories instead of the the drug we want you to launch. I’m not at the top for Myd, but I’m doing a lot better than most reps in the D & E zones which is rare for territories in my area. But that won’t be rewarded.

spoiled pharma reps. all of you.

Waaahhhh, I have to do a year end review. Waaahhhh...

Get back to work

Ok dip shit, no one is complaining about doing a review. Not sure about other divisions, but the OBU had RDs do calibration on reps and decide what type of merit raise they would get 2 weeks before we had to do our year end review. Everyone is upset because why should we write a damn word when decisions have been made. The process is just stupid.

Ok dip shit, no one is complaining about doing a review. Not sure about other divisions, but the OBU had RDs do calibration on reps and decide what type of merit raise they would get 2 weeks before we had to do our year end review. Everyone is upset because why should we write a damn word when decisions have been made. The process is just stupid.

You are a fuckin r*****. Do you believe that the comments you input into your YER impacts your rating and merit? What company operates that way? Numbers, competencies and RD observations determine YERs, not the comments of a dipshit rep who lacks self awareness.

You are a fuckin r*****. Do you believe that the comments you input into your YER impacts your rating and merit? What company operates that way? Numbers, competencies and RD observations determine YERs, not the comments of a dipshit rep who lacks self awareness.

Ok dip shit, you are right, but you are missing my point...why even ask a rep to write crap down and Shire acts like it's a big deal that we do this when it doesn't make a difference. I agree that whatever we write as a rep doesn't mean crap, but if you would pull your head out of your ass for just a second that was not my issue. Why lie to us, just tell the truth. You are the fuckinretard because you can not understand simple sentences.