Bust-A-Move Monday!! AROOOOO!!!

Wolfman here,

Many pardons, Ms. Direwolf...I am proud to have a madam wolf to join my MRK Howl & Growl Team!!

I knoweth of the fat angry cow medical staff of which you speak. They are mad because of poor wages and in many cases, no health coverage for themselves or their families. This is why they raid the sample closets when no reps are around.

They are truly pitiful creatures to feel sorry for, but I do NOT put up with their BS. Next time you visit these scum, bring in Pumpkin Spice hot lattes laced with a heavy amount of laxative!

They will ALL take turns stinking up the bathroom with bouts of diarrhea, enraging the Dr and patients!

Vengenance WILL be YOUR'S, my Wolf Queen!


Wolf Queen, I rather like that title!
I like your suggestion regarding the laxative and I may well try it.
I think it will be better than my most hellish experience today.
The fat receptionist told me no docs in today and they forgot to call me to cancel - the smirk on her face was so sweet as she bit in to the greasy piece of pizza.
my temper got the best of me and I ate every fucking one of them ……

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