Bust-A-Move Monday!! AROOOOO!!!


C'mon Sales Reps...let's get funky with it!! Time to rock out the RX's on Monday!!

Let's DO this!! Ugh Ugh!! Sing with me!

"OOOH baby ...U want it, you got it!!! NRx's ,,,,gotta have 'em!"

"So don't just stand there Bust a Move!!"

As you hop in your car this morning, inhale and then exhale with a loud Wolf Howl ::::AROOOOOOOOOOO!!!::::

That'll get the juices flowing!


C'mon Sales Reps...let's get funky with it!! Time to rock out the RX's on Monday!!

Let's DO this!! Ugh Ugh!! Sing with me!

"OOOH baby ...U want it, you got it!!! NRx's ,,,,gotta have 'em!"

"So don't just stand there Bust a Move!!"

As you hop in your car this morning, inhale and then exhale with a loud Wolf Howl ::::AROOOOOOOOOOO!!!::::

That'll get the juices flowing!

PLEASE STOP you are not funny.

C'mon Sales Reps...let's get funky with it!! Time to rock out the RX's on Monday!!

Let's DO this!! Ugh Ugh!! Sing with me!

"OOOH baby ...U want it, you got it!!! NRx's ,,,,gotta have 'em!"

"So don't just stand there Bust a Move!!"

As you hop in your car this morning, inhale and then exhale with a loud Wolf Howl ::::AROOOOOOOOOOO!!!::::

That'll get the juices flowing!
Seriously? We have people like you representing Merck??? We digress.

C'mon Sales Reps...let's get funky with it!! Time to rock out the RX's on Monday!!

Let's DO this!! Ugh Ugh!! Sing with me!

"OOOH baby ...U want it, you got it!!! NRx's ,,,,gotta have 'em!"

"So don't just stand there Bust a Move!!"

As you hop in your car this morning, inhale and then exhale with a loud Wolf Howl ::::AROOOOOOOOOOO!!!::::

That'll get the juices flowing!

I am sorry to all the naysayers, but I find this guy (or gal) absolutely hilarious...doesn't anyone out there get the sarcasm and irony of these posts...

People (many of them good people) are stuck in these ridiculously bad drug rep jobs that have become a joke, and these posts have fun with that and try to keep a sense of humor about it...

any normal person wakes up on a Monday absolutely dreading another week of the total charade (or Grand Illusion as Styx would put it) of having to pretend to be working their job...

I can just picture a sales rep with their wheelie bag in a doctor's office parking lot yelling "ARRROOOOOOO"

too fuckin' funny...glad I got out of that game a couple of years ago..

I am sorry to all the naysayers, but I find this guy (or gal) absolutely hilarious...doesn't anyone out there get the sarcasm and irony of these posts...

People (many of them good people) are stuck in these ridiculously bad drug rep jobs that have become a joke, and these posts have fun with that and try to keep a sense of humor about it...

any normal person wakes up on a Monday absolutely dreading another week of the total charade (or Grand Illusion as Styx would put it) of having to pretend to be working their job...

I can just picture a sales rep with their wheelie bag in a doctor's office parking lot yelling "ARRROOOOOOO"

too fuckin' funny...glad I got out of that game a couple of years ago..

Glad you have a sense of humor :) Nothing wrong with gettin' your groove on and letting out a hungry man wolf howl right before that Dr's office visit!

Let the other reps know that you OWN these offices...Growl and Howl at 'em!! Can I git an AROOOOOOOOOO?

So...how was the day today, my wolf bretheren? Did we Howl our way to move some Rx business??


The Wolfman

i am the direwolf of pharma reps. I howled at every MD, DO, RN and LPN I laid my beady glowing eyes on. After working my GO (GrOwl) profiles, I dared them not to write my bloody product. AAARRROOOOOOOOO i am king of my territory. other dpp4 reps cower in my shadow. Now if i could just get the scent of the office cows out of my nostrils, its a bit distracting during a stand up detail.......

i am the direwolf of pharma reps. I howled at every MD, DO, RN and LPN I laid my beady glowing eyes on. After working my GO (GrOwl) profiles, I dared them not to write my bloody product. AAARRROOOOOOOOO i am king of my territory. other dpp4 reps cower in my shadow. Now if i could just get the scent of the office cows out of my nostrils, its a bit distracting during a stand up detail.......

LOL!! I love it! You sir, are destined to be my protégé!

Together we will amass an army of wolf hunters and huntresses to patrol our respective territories and GROOWLLL our way to NRx greatness!!


Your Truly,

The Wolfman :)

LOL!! I love it! You sir, are destined to be my protégé!

Together we will amass an army of wolf hunters and huntresses to patrol our respective territories and GROOWLLL our way to NRx greatness!!


Your Truly,

The Wolfman :)

sorry this direwolf is not a sir. I am true direwolf bitch. In every sense of the word. Just ask those fat cows who treated me like rabbit scat today.......

Re: Bust-A-Move Everydamnday!! AROOOOO!!!

sorry this direwolf is not a sir. I am true direwolf bitch. In every sense of the word. Just ask those fat cows who treated me like rabbit scat today.......

Wolfman here,

Many pardons, Ms. Direwolf...I am proud to have a madam wolf to join my Café Pharma Howl & Growl Team!!

I knoweth of the fat angry cow medical staff of which you speak. They are mad because of poor wages and in many cases, no health coverage for themselves or their families. This is why they raid the sample closets when no reps are around.

They are truly pitiful creatures to feel sorry for, but I do NOT put up with their BS. Next time you visit these scum, bring in Pumpkin Spice hot lattes laced with a heavy amount of laxative!

They will ALL take turns stinking up the bathroom with bouts of diarrhea, enraging the Dr and patients!

Vengenance WILL be YOUR'S, my Wolf Queen!


sorry this direwolf is not a sir. I am true direwolf bitch. In every sense of the word. Just ask those fat cows who treated me like rabbit scat today.......

Wolfman here,

Many pardons, Ms. Direwolf...I am proud to have a madam wolf to join my MRK Howl & Growl Team!!

I knoweth of the fat angry cow medical staff of which you speak. They are mad because of poor wages and in many cases, no health coverage for themselves or their families. This is why they raid the sample closets when no reps are around.

They are truly pitiful creatures to feel sorry for, but I do NOT put up with their BS. Next time you visit these scum, bring in Pumpkin Spice hot lattes laced with a heavy amount of laxative!

They will ALL take turns stinking up the bathroom with bouts of diarrhea, enraging the Dr and patients!

Vengenance WILL be YOUR'S, my Wolf Queen!


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