biomet rumors


It will be quiet until the sale. biomet will deny the rumors until the sale is complete. This happens all the time. Do you really beleive they will tell you what they plan to do? Really?

Wrong! S/N is not going to buy Biomet. This is never going to happen. They will never be able to compete with Stryker, Zimmer, and DePuy even with the Biomet merger. Most likely candidate is DePuy to buy Biomet. They have way too much cash laying around since they lost the deal with Guidant and they need to spend it.

I am amused by all these **ANY** of you remember what the price of Biomet was? It was about 12 **BILLION** bucks, or six times what it was earning that year, which was about 2 billion dollars

Six years earlier, Stryker bought Howmedica in 1999 for 2 billion, or twice it's earnings of almost 1 billion. Goldman and Blackstone paid ultra-super bubble prices in 2006 and there isn't a medical company on earth willing to shell out break-even money to the banks for Biomet.

Unless Goldman and Blackstone want to write off 8 billion or so, Biomet will remain an expensive monument to the burst bubble of 2008, and Biomet will go down to the price it really deserved to be at.

Goldman will hold, IMHO.