Best manager Lines at Allos?


I like the most recent one:

Keep your call activity per account at 4 and HCP calls at 6. We want to have these numbers high so when Allos goes to buy another drug we have the ammunition to show we are getting into these offices?

What the F^&* is this guy smoking? Here's a a little inside info= Allos can't buy any drug, band aids, paper clip company, or a local painting business call "Al's Painters".

Stop with the nonsense. Do you realize how foolish you sound? Don't make up crap you lose credibility. Just tell us what we need to do and that's it.


I heard this recently: Make sure that you ask for the next 5 rrptcl patients so that doctor can gain important clincial experience in a variety of patients and subtypes! This was in a 2 doc office.

I heard this recently: Make sure that you ask for the next 5 rrptcl patients so that doctor can gain important clincial experience in a variety of patients and subtypes! This was in a 2 doc office.

And there's the problem. What the heck are you, as a sales rep, doing spending time in a 2 doc office?!? If I were your manager I'd have your head on the chopping block for wasting my time.

And there's the problem. What the heck are you, as a sales rep, doing spending time in a 2 doc office?!? If I were your manager I'd have your head on the chopping block for wasting my time.

Not with a #9 decile doc dipshit. You sound just like my manager, the one with no oncology experience who thinks that "selling" rogaine samples is actually selling and fundamentally our business is the same as a primary care with the difference being that we can track our paitents. Sound familiar?

Waste your time? How is learning the business wasting your time-oh yeah, I forgot that you know all there is to know about this business. Going to ride this torpedo right into the hull, right?