Benefits and culture


I know there is a lot of turmoil going on.
But those that are here, what is your experience like? Is it already big pharma, or is there still some semblance of a small biotech?

Is there really any culture and development yet, or is that still on the back burner hoping for the next indication approval?

Any real info on job and experience here is greatly appreciated. I'm hoping it's not all trolls out there. TIA


Culture is awful. VP of sales gone in less than 2 years. Two managers (both loved by the teams) gone and a bunch of reps all quit in Q1. Promotions are based on your ability to kiss ass (BT) and BS listens to no one but BT. BS claims they left because they didn’t understand how to sell in this environment. Trying to stay positive and if you find patients money is good but it is pretty big pharma. FYI BS is the initials of the person running the show here.

Culture is awful. VP of sales gone in less than 2 years. Two managers (both loved by the teams) gone and a bunch of reps all quit in Q1. Promotions are based on your ability to kiss ass (BT) and BS listens to no one but BT. BS claims they left because they didn’t understand how to sell in this environment. Trying to stay positive and if you find patients money is good but it is pretty big pharma. FYI BS is the initials of the person running the show here.

RUN as Fast as you can! Eric Dube ran this company into the ground. The stock price was $31 and today is 6. This place is a sinking ship! They already had to sell one product because they ran out of cash affecting causing layoffs, and then they just had a second round of layoffs with their management. BT is a joke! He never got a single patient on treatment when he was a rep! Yes, the salary is good, but that only lasts as long as the job does! You've been warned

I know there is a lot of turmoil going on.
But those that are here, what is your experience like? Is it already big pharma, or is there still some semblance of a small biotech?

Is there really any culture and development yet, or is that still on the back burner hoping for the next indication approval?

Any real info on job and experience here is greatly appreciated. I'm hoping it's not all trolls out there. TIA

Base Salary and commission range?
salary is good but this place is dead in the water! They already laid off, wraps, sold off one of their divisions, because they ran out of cash, laid off truly talented, leader ship, and now they're just stuck with a skeleton of what it used to be. Their nephrology drug has a black box warning, and didn't meet its primary endpoints in phase 3 and it sank from there b/c Eric Dube cant lead his way out of a paper bag. if you go there and be prepared that your tenure will probably be less than a year save yourself and look elsewhere