
That's a shame. Because when we were Baxter and then Baxalta, it always felt like leadership had our backs. We didn't always agree with them, but they seemed to care. People like Jac, Blaine, Amanda... nobody like that here now.

We all knew Shire was a typical big pharma company when we were purchased. I don't think anyone realized how awful this would really be.

You have to be a certain level to be offered a re-lo package. The higher level, the more you will probably get. And I assume they aren't going to be much. Start at 10k lump payment before taxes probably
Not true. Manager level can get a relo package. It's complex, but far and above what you just quoted.

GDS in Bannockburn got layoff. Most people will be gone in October. Some may stay until March. No relocation was offered. At least from me and few people in my group. They said our positions are opened in MA and we can apply.