
I haven't worked pharma in 15 years, but plasma is totally different. What if we are short on product due to manufacturing and your biggest customer CANNOT get our product despite wanting it? They move to another product in order to keep their patients on therapy. We still have the quota and loss of sales. And Baxalta/immunology doesn't sample. Please go write on another thread that is more your speed.

It's painfully obvious Shire had and continues to have no idea what the immunology division does. I think the experiment is over. Everyone that is anyone is leaving or has left.

It has become painfully obvious that every division at Shire is being ruined by these guys. The customer facing teams are not respected and will continue to suffer. The moral in every division is low because we are all recognizing the leadership in this company is taking us down the wrong path. Each division is in this downfall together, so we should be looking out for one another.

Meanwhile King Ludwig is laughing his ass off - he clearly outsmarted Flemming by selling him a bicycle for a Veyron. Lol, dumb - dumber- Shire.

Now people have to pay for your dumb move - thank you Flemming!


You are clearly not a "X" rep if you can't comprehend the other reps situation. It is absolutely a legitimate concern for many OBU reps considering how small & unbalanced (low:high decile ratio) many territories are and more importantly, how quickly reps are fired when trxs dip (not enough time to replace a large loss). No one is safe. Oh and by the way, get over yourself, you arrogant pos. Go back to your cushy desk job cranking out garbage marketing collateral.
If the sales force actually worked a 40 hours per week, Shire sales performance would be fantastic, Unfortunately, our sales force works <20 hours per week. SHAMEFUL!

If the sales force actually worked a 40 hours per week, Shire sales performance would be fantastic, Unfortunately, our sales force works <20 hours per week. SHAMEFUL!
Seriously STFU! I'm in the field (in my car/making calls) 5 days a week from 8-4/4:30... Many days I get home after 5:30-6. So go whine somewhere else, your statement is simply FAKE NEWS!
EVEN IF people aren't 8-5, territories are SO DAMN SMALL that 8-10 calls can easily be done in a few hours. It's about quality not quantity (or at least it should be but mgmt is stuck in the 90s). It's about working smarter not necessarily harder! I'd rather have a few fantastic calls where there is actually discussion and dialouge than 8 sample drops (which these call metrics encourage). So kiss my ass!

Seriously STFU! I'm in the field (in my car/making calls) 5 days a week from 8-4/4:30... Many days I get home after 5:30-6. So go whine somewhere else, your statement is simply FAKE NEWS!
EVEN IF people aren't 8-5, territories are SO DAMN SMALL that 8-10 calls can easily be done in a few hours. It's about quality not quantity (or at least it should be but mgmt is stuck in the 90s). It's about working smarter not necessarily harder! I'd rather have a few fantastic calls where there is actually discussion and dialouge than 8 sample drops (which these call metrics encourage). So kiss my ass!

You're bumming right now CASE CLOSED
Get a job Liar !

I have a job here! As a matter of fact I'm a presidents club winner. CASE CLOSED

Where will you be in two years? Pharma rep jobs will be gone by 2019! Better get some training on how to get up in the morning, commuting an hour to and from work, putting in 10+ hour days, no shopping or gym time during work hours, communication skills (not just saying do you want subs or pizza) and being appraised by the quality & quantity of your work! So enjoy your part time job now but the day of reckoning is fast approaching.

Where will you be in two years? Pharma rep jobs will be gone by 2019! Better get some training on how to get up in the morning, commuting an hour to and from work, putting in 10+ hour days, no shopping or gym time during work hours, communication skills (not just saying do you want subs or pizza) and being appraised by the quality & quantity of your work! So enjoy your part time job now but the day of reckoning is fast approaching.

Gosh. Marketing must be a terrible job seeing you have to go onto a rep message board and post. Your jealousy is obvious. Maybe if you try really hard, you can get into the field.

Where will you be in two years? Pharma rep jobs will be gone by 2019! Better get some training on how to get up in the morning, commuting an hour to and from work, putting in 10+ hour days, no shopping or gym time during work hours, communication skills (not just saying do you want subs or pizza) and being appraised by the quality & quantity of your work! So enjoy your part time job now but the day of reckoning is fast approaching.
You make that sound so rough, but these days fhe folks inside have easier lives than those in the field. No one shops at brisk and mortar stores anymore. And office workers can work out during the day.

Where will you be in two years? Pharma rep jobs will be gone by 2019! Better get some training on how to get up in the morning, commuting an hour to and from work, putting in 10+ hour days, no shopping or gym time during work hours, communication skills (not just saying do you want subs or pizza) and being appraised by the quality & quantity of your work! So enjoy your part time job now but the day of reckoning is fast approaching.

With all the shit talking coming from the internal people, seeing the news today, I hope you work in Cambridge or Lexington. If not, you better spend some the time updating your resume and not on cafe pharma.

The headcount in bannockburn should be down 25% by labor day. By December I would estimate only Biolife will be left.
Will we be offered relocation packages to move to Massachusetts? Nobody knows what is going on here in Bannockburn?! My manager just bought a new house and he is nervous about the future. This is SHAMEFUL!!

Fleming and his dirty thirty have a plan to gut Baxalta like a fish! The only thing the new Shire cares about is profit and blowing smoke on Wall Street. Fleming systemically destroys every company he's ever been involved. The number he's pulled on Shire is his all time record best. He now pays himself a $25 million dollar salary while hundreds of experienced ethical honest hard working folks are shoved out the door like yesterday's trash. It makes me sad to see what Shire's become, a shark tank with snakes in suits.

Will we be offered relocation packages to move to Massachusetts? Nobody knows what is going on here in Bannockburn?! My manager just bought a new house and he is nervous about the future. This is SHAMEFUL!!

You have to be a certain level to be offered a re-lo package. The higher level, the more you will probably get. And I assume they aren't going to be much. Start at 10k lump payment before taxes probably

Fleming and his dirty thirty have a plan to gut Baxalta like a fish! The only thing the new Shire cares about is profit and blowing smoke on Wall Street. Fleming systemically destroys every company he's ever been involved. The number he's pulled on Shire is his all time record best. He now pays himself a $25 million dollar salary while hundreds of experienced ethical honest hard working folks are shoved out the door like yesterday's trash. It makes me sad to see what Shire's become, a shark tank with snakes in suits.

Yes, I'm in the sales division and there are ALOT of snakes at this company. Companies I've worked for before coming here, I felt I could trust everyone in the team. That's not the case here......

Yes, I'm in the sales division and there are ALOT of snakes at this company. Companies I've worked for before coming here, I felt I could trust everyone in the team. That's not the case here......

That's a shame. Because when we were Baxter and then Baxalta, it always felt like leadership had our backs. We didn't always agree with them, but they seemed to care. People like Jac, Blaine, Amanda... nobody like that here now.