
Some management teams are led by sociopaths, and some are great. They really try everything they can, but some management talks the culture talk, and are some of the ugliest people I've ever met.

Must be DD or some of his hires scared of the changing culture posting here. Reality is that a huge change is already underway and noticeable. Unless you crave a micromanaged metrics focused 90’s top-down hierarchy full of emails about grit the changes KM is bringing are exciting. Yep, some of you are going to have to go elsewhere. The poison is gone and we are building a new company.

Yeah KM and RM are delusional puppets. They think people will not be f'ing off. They will be out playing golf, at the beach, fishing everything but work. They just hang out and hope for the best. They are the exact opposite of DD and neither is a productive approach. There has to be a balance between micro management and no management.

Your experience is largely determined by who you are around. I am not sure why or how, but argenx ash built a culture of everyone operating in "silos", with little collaboration across groups and individuals alike. This creates an odd, self-centered culture so if you don't get lucky and get placed on a good team or around good teams, it can be extremely caddy as everyone fights for credit for scripts/etc.

No one takes responsibility/ many play the blame game and will track mistakes made by other groups -lots of push back from other departments that make my bosses not want to deal with it, so many things fall onto my group. Weak leadership, scattered vision and poor expectations.
If you are younger and want to build your career expect: - zero support from the peri-retiree department heads that does not want to ‘rock the boat’ -indecisiveness on a massive scale- stringing junior people along because senior leaders cant be bothered to ask the tough questions about projects/initiatives -elitism- senior leadership at argenx is an exclusive club keeping key info for themselves to feel powerful while those below are constantly left to guess what is going on.

News alert **. Bid wars occurring worth numerous big pharma as we bitch how bad this company is. It’s amazing company. Fellas, we can get rich quick if this is true. Thank you argenx and please sell for Billions with a big “$B”. Show me the money?

Yeah KM and RM are delusional puppets. They think people will not be f'ing off. They will be out playing golf, at the beach, fishing everything but work. They just hang out and hope for the best. They are the exact opposite of DD and neither is a productive approach. There has to be a balance between micro management and no management.

News alert **. Bid wars occurring worth numerous big pharma as we bitch how bad this company is. It’s amazing company. Fellas, we can get rich quick if this is true. Thank you argenx and please sell for Billions with a big “$B”. Show me the money?
Get rich quick? Nope. There will be no chance of forward vesting with our stock as high as it is. You will be now be stuck working for Pfizer or shitty Novartis waiting for your equity to vest. Life will be HELL.

Tim and Karen are trying. Problem is current management team apears to be listening but does not change unless they are called out. RM and BR are hurting argenx. Who supported DD and let him shit all over us? RM!

Who had an HCP tell her to her face how miserable reps are? Then later pretend she knew nothing about it.