• Thurs news: AbbVie Parkinson’s drug. Arch raises $3B biotech fund. Biogen dropping failed Sage tremor drug. AZ gets sought-after Tagrisso OK. Pfizer withdrawing sickle cell med. See more on our front page

Anyone left here that attended the Nexium and Crestor Hawaii launches?

The Diprivan launch meeting was far better than the Seroquel meeting was, hands down. Everyone came away so damn pumped, that we couldn't wait to get back in territory! Now, I just fake calls, and spend a fortune at Starbucks in the AM, movies or golf in the PM. I go home and start it all over the next day. And AZ loves me! Quick story, my counterpart called me Friday AM to see what I was doing, and we both we to a movie about 1 PM. We laughed our asses off as we entered our afternoon calls!
I am confused though by this post.

How can you deliver a compelling message and move market share if you are at the movies or golfing?

I am confused though by this post.

How can you deliver a compelling message and move market share if you are at the movies or golfing?

Too funny! Catching a 1 PM flick myself today with my wife. I don't golf, but you can catch me many days around 2 PM at Barnes & Noble, or our local library. I too am tired of running into AZ reps calling on the same offices I do! I probably average around 3 calls a day with 5 or 6 being faked. I am careful to get a few late sigs though every now and then. My "routing schedule" has worked well for years now, so why change. Numbers are reasonably good too. Life IS good at AZ!

Dude, are you freezed dried or just out from doing hard time? There hasn't been any clinical selling in centuries.

Dude??? I close my eyes and picture some 28 y/o gelled-hair, cheap cologne Mommy's Boy sitting in Panera typing this comment. You my friend represent the downfall of pharma selling. Just why would a Dr wanna hear from your sorry excuse of an ass. Hey the matinee starts in 5 min....get going.

Dude??? I close my eyes and picture some 28 y/o gelled-hair, cheap cologne Mommy's Boy sitting in Panera typing this comment. You my friend represent the downfall of pharma selling. Just why would a Dr wanna hear from your sorry excuse of an ass. Hey the matinee starts in 5 min....get going.

LOL. Great post.

Dude??? I close my eyes and picture some 28 y/o gelled-hair, cheap cologne Mommy's Boy sitting in Panera typing this comment. You my friend represent the downfall of pharma selling. Just why would a Dr wanna hear from your sorry excuse of an ass. Hey the matinee starts in 5 min....get going.

He was quoting a line from the movie Heartbreak Ridge. I guess recognizing sarcasm isn't your strong suit. LOL