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Anyone left here that attended the Nexium and Crestor Hawaii launches?


Crestor Launch 2003...very nice. I to remember detailing in the car. That was funny, but what they did NOT teach us was about RABDO...which I already knew about but the new reps got hammered when detailing the doctors out in the real world...because they know nothing. It was about the 80mg in trials 2 pts got it and thus a year delay for Crestor. Many mistakes by AZ but the meeting was fun!

Loved hawaii and cheryl crow and the big wigs on stage getting wasted- didnt love detailing in the stupid rental cars they shipped over via boat from the mainland. The Toronto meeting which was supposed to be Crestor launch was even more fun...

Didn't attend Hawaii but one of my first mtgs was Zomig in Orlando Fla (Jan 1998); great time, met great leaders, worked hard during the day and partied on Zeneca's dime at night. Came home fully pumped to sell Zomig! Comedian Larry Miller MC'd the entire week and was a riot. I occass pop in the tape they mailed to our homes later with Meeting highlights! Such a diff co back then with real leadership and morale. Sad.

Left before Hawaii - glad I was not part of that "detailing in the car" exercise -

BUT was at the "shoulda been" Crestor launch in Toronto - what a great, professional meeting! Super presentations by Cardiologists - great Irish band Leahy during the day, Bare Naked Ladies at night if I remember correctly - or am I mixing up launch meetings - only downside was having all of AZ 's thousands in Toronto the same days as all the tens of thousands there for the Pope's visit - all trying to leave the same day - airport was a nightmare!!

Didn't attend Hawaii but one of my first mtgs was Zomig in Orlando Fla (Jan 1998); great time, met great leaders, worked hard during the day and partied on Zeneca's dime at night. Came home fully pumped to sell Zomig! Comedian Larry Miller MC'd the entire week and was a riot. I occass pop in the tape they mailed to our homes later with Meeting highlights! Such a diff co back then with real leadership and morale. Sad.
The best meeting of all time was the Seroquel launch meeting in Ft. Lauderdale.
The same leadership as the Zomig meeting but a smaller group. This meeting set the bar for all future launch meetings.

I left in 2006. Curious if anyone else is left from that fun era. Sheryl Crow and KC and the Sunshine band. Good times. Where are you now? Small pharma here.

Remember those good old days, KC was great and good looking fly girls. Huey Lewis, Bill Cosby (funny), Bob Newhart (not so funny), Jeff Foxworthy (hilarious) The Wallflowers, Donna Summer, back lot at Disney, and so on... an era long gone, replaced by late night role playing to get ready for the next days competition and hordes-oeuvres dinner the first night with mandatory district and group dinners while staying at lodging closest to the airport.

The best meeting of all time was the Seroquel launch meeting in Ft. Lauderdale.
The same leadership as the Zomig meeting but a smaller group. This meeting set the bar for all future launch meetings.

The Diprivan launch meeting was far better than the Seroquel meeting was, hands down. Everyone came away so damn pumped, that we couldn't wait to get back in territory! Now, I just fake calls, and spend a fortune at Starbucks in the AM, movies or golf in the PM. I go home and start it all over the next day. And AZ loves me! Quick story, my counterpart called me Friday AM to see what I was doing, and we both we to a movie about 1 PM. We laughed our asses off as we entered our afternoon calls!

The Diprivan launch meeting was far better than the Seroquel meeting was, hands down. Everyone came away so damn pumped, that we couldn't wait to get back in territory! Now, I just fake calls, and spend a fortune at Starbucks in the AM, movies or golf in the PM. I go home and start it all over the next day. And AZ loves me! Quick story, my counterpart called me Friday AM to see what I was doing, and we both we to a movie about 1 PM. We laughed our asses off as we entered our afternoon calls!

Don't your iPads light up the movie theater?

Don't your iPads light up the movie theater?

Not the poster you are responding to, but when I take in an afternoon movie with my spouse, we always sit high up in the back of the theater. There are always just a few people in there. I do take my iPad inside and yes it does light up, but nobody notices. It works out well.

The Diprivan launch meeting was far better than the Seroquel meeting was, hands down. Everyone came away so damn pumped, that we couldn't wait to get back in territory! Now, I just fake calls, and spend a fortune at Starbucks in the AM, movies or golf in the PM. I go home and start it all over the next day. And AZ loves me! Quick story, my counterpart called me Friday AM to see what I was doing, and we both we to a movie about 1 PM. We laughed our asses off as we entered our afternoon calls!

How old are you? You must be around quite a while if you launched Diprivan however your actions of deceit seem childish! So sad to see how this industry killed itself concerning clinical selling and adding value. Perhaps b/c of your boredom with the job, maybe you would be happier outside collecting move tix stubs. Pathetic.

How old are you? You must be around quite a while if you launched Diprivan however your actions of deceit seem childish! So sad to see how this industry killed itself concerning clinical selling and adding value. Perhaps b/c of your boredom with the job, maybe you would be happier outside collecting move tix stubs. Pathetic.

Nice to hear from management.....now go check those expense reports.

The Diprivan launch meeting was far better than the Seroquel meeting was, hands down. Everyone came away so damn pumped, that we couldn't wait to get back in territory! Now, I just fake calls, and spend a fortune at Starbucks in the AM, movies or golf in the PM. I go home and start it all over the next day. And AZ loves me! Quick story, my counterpart called me Friday AM to see what I was doing, and we both we to a movie about 1 PM. We laughed our asses off as we entered our afternoon calls!

I was there too! I too have resorted to faking calls, cutting out early etc. Everybody does it these days, and it has become a fun habit! I am tired of running into my counterparts each and every day. There are way too many of us out here!

How old are you? You must be around quite a while if you launched Diprivan however your actions of deceit seem childish! So sad to see how this industry killed itself concerning clinical selling and adding value. Perhaps b/c of your boredom with the job, maybe you would be happier outside collecting move tix stubs. Pathetic.

Dude, are you freezed dried or just out from doing hard time? There hasn't been any clinical selling in centuries.