Anyone just faking it

Not even trying anymore. Just checking off blocks and with docs. Nobody gives a crap. They don’t want to hear it, they don’t want to listen and they don’t have time. They checked out long before we did. At this point, it’s an income and benefits and nothing more. To say I’m “unmotivated” is an understatement. Such utter BS…I have another three months to go until I can hit retirement and then Buh Bye. I’ve been with this company waaaaay too long, and seen waaaay too many good people let go and waaaay too many incompetents promoted to positions to where they had zero chance of success. Y’all figure it out from here. I put in notice and they can’t fire me or even put me on WARN because of retirement. I’m going to play golf, enjoy my life with my beautiful wife and family and this place can rot and die for all I care. Years of effort and constant anxiety of whether I’ll be next or not. Well, Pfizer, you lost. I’m leaving on my own terms. So stuff it.
Bravo to you. You earned it.