Anyone just faking it


C0vid was and still is manna from heaven for lazy people who don't want to work.

Another built in excuse to be even more worthless. Which was previously not thought possible.

C0vid was and still is manna from heaven for lazy people who don't want to work.

Another built in excuse to be even more worthless. Which was previously not thought possible.

True, but when we drastically cut from the field again in late 2024, everyone else will be blamed. And I mean EVERYONE else. There is zero accountability here.

Albert. The ELT. The feckless board. Beat the street estimates and no bump. Nada. The street knows

A couple of "easy" strategies have been tried so far:

1. Significant layoffs across multiple divisions in the company (layoffs are easy from an ELT standpoint...people are expendable despite what they say about "people being our most valuable asset")

2. Acquisition of other companies to cover the impending "patent cliff" (no internal, organic development of products)

Ultimately the stock price is a reflection of revenue growth of the company, which is really a measure of the confidence that Wall Street has in the ELT to make sound, strategic decisions. Covid provided lottery money for the company, unexpected financial gains that covered a lot of deficiencies and lack of long-term strategy. The ELT has financial security for multiple generations (they are working on their second or third vacation home), so they are not real concerned at folks at the ground level.

A couple of "easy" strategies have been tried so far:

1. Significant layoffs across multiple divisions in the company (layoffs are easy from an ELT standpoint...people are expendable despite what they say about "people being our most valuable asset")

2. Acquisition of other companies to cover the impending "patent cliff" (no internal, organic development of products)

Ultimately the stock price is a reflection of revenue growth of the company, which is really a measure of the confidence that Wall Street has in the ELT to make sound, strategic decisions. Covid provided lottery money for the company, unexpected financial gains that covered a lot of deficiencies and lack of long-term strategy. The ELT has financial security for multiple generations (they are working on their second or third vacation home), so they are not real concerned at folks at the ground level.

You forgot to add the third "easy' strategy being currently implemented:

3. Share buybacks and dividend increases

You forgot to add the third "easy' strategy being currently implemented:

3. Share buybacks and dividend increases

yes to all three listed. Buybacks and dividend increases are the lowest possible bar for what to do with excess capital. No forward thought on what the company could be. Just phone in a buyback and dividend increase to keep investors from revolting while Wall Street continues to keep us in the doldrums. Hope that your “business strategy” is not outperformed by CD interest rates.

Make Albert and ELT dependent on incentive options (not grants or stock units) and get paid from growth in stock price. And make the options based on building a compelling long term business plan based on useful, approveable products and ethical performance. Otherwise, back to the county shelter neutering strays..

True, but when we drastically cut from the field again in late 2024, everyone else will be blamed. And I mean EVERYONE else. There is zero accountability here.

Correct. The “ faking” and incompetent has been going on from the very top to the very bottom of this house of cards since the 1970’s. Covid was the only thing saved this company from extinction.

C0vid was and still is manna from heaven for lazy people who don't want to work.

Another built in excuse to be even more worthless. Which was previously not thought possible.

You are absolutely right! I have been faking calls for decades as well, and will continue to. I have t been caught yet and never will. Work smart, not hard.

Not even trying anymore. Just checking off blocks and with docs. Nobody gives a crap. They don’t want to hear it, they don’t want to listen and they don’t have time. They checked out long before we did. At this point, it’s an income and benefits and nothing more. To say I’m “unmotivated” is an understatement. Such utter BS…I have another three months to go until I can hit retirement and then Buh Bye. I’ve been with this company waaaaay too long, and seen waaaay too many good people let go and waaaay too many incompetents promoted to positions to where they had zero chance of success. Y’all figure it out from here. I put in notice and they can’t fire me or even put me on WARN because of retirement. I’m going to play golf, enjoy my life with my beautiful wife and family and this place can rot and die for all I care. Years of effort and constant anxiety of whether I’ll be next or not. Well, Pfizer, you lost. I’m leaving on my own terms. So stuff it.

Not even trying anymore. Just checking off blocks and with docs. Nobody gives a crap. They don’t want to hear it, they don’t want to listen and they don’t have time. They checked out long before we did. At this point, it’s an income and benefits and nothing more. To say I’m “unmotivated” is an understatement. Such utter BS…I have another three months to go until I can hit retirement and then Buh Bye. I’ve been with this company waaaaay too long, and seen waaaay too many good people let go and waaaay too many incompetents promoted to positions to where they had zero chance of success. Y’all figure it out from here. I put in notice and they can’t fire me or even put me on WARN because of retirement. I’m going to play golf, enjoy my life with my beautiful wife and family and this place can rot and die for all I care. Years of effort and constant anxiety of whether I’ll be next or not. Well, Pfizer, you lost. I’m leaving on my own terms. So stuff it.

congrats on retirement.
how old are you?