Anybody heard any firm dates for layoffs yet??


It's all pretty much done today. DBMs and TSRs are decided and PHRs are today. Still gotta dot the i's and cross the t's, but the headcount for the October 1st alignments are all but set.

That said, still no one knows when it will be communicated to the field or what the layoffs numbers look like.

It look like this DSR's will have all in the pain cluster. There will be a celebrex/lyr, cele/fp terr. More DSRs on other cluster some women's health, some not. Phr count higher here: premarin/pristiq, Toviaz/viagra, Toviaz/pris, spiriva/chantix.

I can confirm that as week, all communication will occurr between the 15-19th at the EARLIEST.

The info will come about before people enroll in upcoming product training sessions. Product enrollment happens at the end of this month so they have to let people know what they will be selling asap.

It look like this DSR's will have all in the pain cluster. There will be a celebrex/lyr, cele/fp terr. More DSRs on other cluster some women's health, some not. Phr count higher here: premarin/pristiq, Toviaz/viagra, Toviaz/pris, spiriva/chantix.

Is this supposed to mean there will only be 2 drugs/rep?

Yes, the way I understand the alignments is that there should be four reps per most territories. Where things get sticky is that territories are going to be much larger than the previous ones. This means that one territory may swallow up adjacent territories thus eliminating the reps in that territory. As a result, reps in one territory will be compared to those in the adjacent territory to determine who stays and who goes. So you will have reps in two different territories selected to stay or go and teams may be made up of reps from each. It is hard to say how it will all shake out, no reasoning or figuring it out.