Another mass dismissal in Switzerland


After cutting over 100 jobs last November, Galderma announced another round of dismissals on November 3rd, 2023. 39 jobs in Switzerland, 14 in Zug, 25 in Lausanne. This comes on top of the ongoing downsizing, firing and restructuring.


More layoffs coming to a theater near you. Before the year ends. Investors want to shed the heaviest expense of all. The work force. They don’t need everyone. Especially those not customer facing.

After cutting over 100 jobs last November, Galderma announced another round of dismissals on November 3rd, 2023. 39 jobs in Switzerland, 14 in Zug, 25 in Lausanne. This comes on top of the ongoing downsizing, firing and restructuring.
Flemming blaming the external environment to justify this latest round of cuts (read the media). Why can’t he take responsibility for his own incompetence?

What happened to this once great company? More layoffs coming soon near you.

when you spend ZERO on RnD and come to market w rebranded old shit, you lose share and revenue drops. Once this happens you chop heads so your remain profitable until you dupe another company into buying you. It’s clear as day what their strategy is.

you’re all pawns at best!

There, not they. Learn to spell!
Probably an ex-Galderma fired by Flemming spending their Saturday afternoon on this board rather than getting of their fat ass.
You are so stupid. People are getting let go and you are worried how this person had a typo. Flemming fires people who look at him wrong. He is the biggest piece of shit and I assume you are all up his ass.

You are so stupid. People are getting let go and you are worried how this person had a typo. Flemming fires people who look at him wrong. He is the biggest piece of shit and I assume you are all up his ass.
It’s not a typo. It’s someone who is incapable of stringing two sentences together without mistake. Even if English is not the first language of this person, basic spelling and grammar as an executive is a must. By the way, this person was fired by Flemming during covid.
And yes, I agree with you. Flemming is the biggest piece of shit and the most incapable idiot I have come across.

English is my third language as I speak 6. How many do you speak? Don’t worry about my English level. The phone changed it,so what? So ridiculous you just worry about rubbish and you want to be superior because English is your mother tongue. So poor and narrow minded nowadays, so poor from you

English is my third language as I speak 6. How many do you speak? Don’t worry about my English level. The phone changed it,so what? So ridiculous you just worry about rubbish and you want to be superior because English is your mother tongue. So poor and narrow minded nowadays, so poor from you

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