Anesthesia Update

WTF. MRL ___s up another study. The word is that the FDA has no problem with the clinical aspects of the drug, but they do have a problem with the study design used to examine Sug hypersensitivity.

WTF ? That does not sound like June 2014 to me.

Not so fast, negative Nelly. The financial analysts are beginning to weigh in with predictions....they say Sugga launch in 2nd Quarter 2014. I believe they are correct, prepare for a June 2014 launch.

Negative Nelly?? Negative Nelly?!! We've been waiting since fn 2008 to sell this product!!
I think we've earned the right to feel a little negative. Is the FDA just fn with Merck? Or is the picture bigger? Nexium and Tums here I come.

So we are supposed to continue on the "current path" according to the VM yesterday right....... What freaking path is that? Invanz is all we have. I got out of an RFM this morning and got 10 questions about when it's coming out, gave the company line and looked FOOLISH. Thank you merck we are losing all credibility with our customers. By now I think I'd rather get a package and get this overwith, what are they waiting for. cut us already

So we are supposed to continue on the "current path" according to the VM yesterday right....... What freaking path is that? Invanz is all we have. I got out of an RFM this morning and got 10 questions about when it's coming out, gave the company line and looked FOOLISH. Thank you merck we are losing all credibility with our customers. By now I think I'd rather get a package and get this overwith, wthat are they waiting for. cut us already

We expected good news. Guarantee RP will give up on this in the US. It will take weeks for HR to craft our packages and then boom, a national phone call happens. Too bad this drug cannot reverse MRK's demise.

MRL has let us down again. Sug is a wonderful agent. Safe, effective, easy to understand, Clean, Clean Clean.

MRL could not help itself. Those arrogant bastards had go off the reservation and do it their way.

Just cost us another 1/2 billion dollars.


Sugammadex is superfluous. The medical community does not need another overpriced agent that will do little but break the bank of hospital pharmacy.

Simply look at ex-US markets (70 of them), sug gets little use and is relegated to CICV cases that occur 2-8 times per year.

Note to Merck: US hospitals should not have to suffer irresponsible price points because you have managed to destroy your company.

I predict Merck will go the way of the US auto industry....fall to third rate as ex-US companies out think, out produce them...all at a lower margin.

MRL has let us down again. Sug is a wonderful agent. Safe, effective, easy to understand, Clean, Clean Clean.

MRL could not help itself. Those arrogant bastards had go off the reservation and do it their way.

Just cost us another 1/2 billion dollars.


Might be clean but totally unnecessary. No need. No market. Wait and see :)

Pharma guidelines? What a complete goober. Why in the world would I be held to the rules made up by a pharmaceutical company? Just to let YOU know I don't know or care about the regulations your employees are bound by but until I post a patients medical information, I can discuss anything I choose.

PIR MSL TLM TYM MM LTR MLS? How in the world could I know what any of your acronyms mean?

From everything I've read here and in reputable literature, the only thing that Merck has done that could be considered robust, verified, and that matters is destroy the most promising anesthesia product in 20 years while turning a once credible and prestigious company into a sinking ship and an example of everything that's wrong with American industry. No foresight, flexibility, or ability to adapt to the current environment.

Merck management really should see about having this board shut down. It really is something that your customers should not be exposed to.

Just to let you know it is against the pharma guidelines to post on here as a health care provider. And the MR and LTR that is done is robust, verified and what matters. I am sure MLS is watching this. Your questions should be through a PIR via a MSL in a TLM. TYM. MM.

Pharma guidelines? What a complete goober. Why in the world would I be held to the rules made up by a pharmaceutical company? Just to let YOU know I don't know or care about the regulations your employees are bound by but until I post a patients medical information, I can discuss anything I choose.

PIR MSL TLM TYM MM LTR MLS? How in the world could I know what any of your acronyms mean?

From everything I've read here and in reputable literature, the only thing that Merck has done that could be considered robust, verified, and that matters is destroy the most promising anesthesia product in 20 years while turning a once credible and prestigious company into a sinking ship and an example of everything that's wrong with American industry. No foresight, flexibility, or ability to adapt to the current environment.

Merck management really should see about having this board shut down. It really is something that your customers should not be exposed to.

Cry-baby . I bet you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Wah!

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