Anesthesia Update

wait do you really think clinicians come on here to comment. You have got to be kidding. The only people that care anything about these boards are employees and most have some axe to grind.

I am a clinician and love reading whats going on in the industry. Dont you think many of us read the these threads?

I am a clinician and love reading whats going on in the industry. Dont you think many of us read the these threads?

Read the news or journals not this crap. Come on I dont think this or any post claiming to be is a clinician. Most are to smart, or dont know about these boards and with one read of one tread would know this is not information about what is going on in the industry. its the place where disgruntle go to complain and slander people behind the darkness. saying things about people they would never say to their face. Come on info about the industry. Wow

Read the news or journals not this crap. Come on I dont think this or any post claiming to be is a clinician. Most are to smart, or dont know about these boards and with one read of one tread would know this is not information about what is going on in the industry. its the place where disgruntle go to complain and slander people behind the darkness. saying things about people they would never say to their face. Come on info about the industry. Wow

Obviously this is not a medical Journal. But alot of news breaks here before its on the news wire. I keep my news net wide and it has served me well. You guys have the market cornered on negativity let me tell you!

Cardio thoracic surg yes but the ICU definitely not. Thats where marketing will say to go though as its completely wrong. Patients end up in the ICU AFTER they have been intubated by EMS or in the ER, both use ALOT of paralytics and thats where I would sell. Patients in the ICU are on Propofol, etc as sedation- they are not kept paralyzed. The target would be providers who routinely use paralytics and those are emergency providers and to a lesser degree some day surgery procedural stuff.

ICU patients can be kept on NMB's for long period of times. The will not be any type of target for sugamadex though. In these situations they will be allowed to clear the NMB on their own. If they have been on a vent for 2 or 3 days there is no urgency to extubate them. The NMB drip is stopped and when the patient starts to breathe against the pressure and on their own the tube will be pulled. Once every 3 or 4 years the tube might be pulled prematurely and the patient could lose tone and need to be re-intubated (where sugamadex could be used) but it isn't a market that will be a focus for you.

You will have better luck telling surgeons to demand that roc is used and the patient be kept at zero twitches until the last stitch is tied than you will promoting in ICU. But only by a little.

I've been well amused by Merck's strategy and my advice to anyone promoting this product is to update your resume. If the product makes it to market the current marketing strategy and price will ensure you don't have a job for very long.

I'm an anesthesiologist and this mess of a board is the first search result you get when you google suggamadex. I never realized drug reps were so dumb.

ICU patients can be kept on NMB's for long period of times. The will not be any type of target for sugamadex though. In these situations they will be allowed to clear the NMB on their own. If they have been on a vent for 2 or 3 days there is no urgency to extubate them. The NMB drip is stopped and when the patient starts to breathe against the pressure and on their own the tube will be pulled. Once every 3 or 4 years the tube might be pulled prematurely and the patient could lose tone and need to be re-intubated (where sugamadex could be used) but it isn't a market that will be a focus for you.

You will have better luck telling surgeons to demand that roc is used and the patient be kept at zero twitches until the last stitch is tied than you will promoting in ICU. But only by a little.

I've been well amused by Merck's strategy and my advice to anyone promoting this product is to update your resume. If the product makes it to market the current marketing strategy and price will ensure you don't have a job for very long.

I'm an anesthesiologist and this mess of a board is the first search result you get when you google suggamadex. I never realized drug reps were so dumb.

Some aren't but I can guarantee that Merck management and marketing are extremely dumb.

ICU patients can be kept on NMB's for long period of times. The will not be any type of target for sugamadex though. In these situations they will be allowed to clear the NMB on their own. If they have been on a vent for 2 or 3 days there is no urgency to extubate them. The NMB drip is stopped and when the patient starts to breathe against the pressure and on their own the tube will be pulled. Once every 3 or 4 years the tube might be pulled prematurely and the patient could lose tone and need to be re-intubated (where sugamadex could be used) but it isn't a market that will be a focus for you.

You will have better luck telling surgeons to demand that roc is used and the patient be kept at zero twitches until the last stitch is tied than you will promoting in ICU. But only by a little.

I've been well amused by Merck's strategy and my advice to anyone promoting this product is to update your resume. If the product makes it to market the current marketing strategy and price will ensure you don't have a job for very long.

I'm an anesthesiologist and this mess of a board is the first search result you get when you google suggamadex. I never realized drug reps were so dumb.

:::NEWSFLASH::: To this "so-called" Dr. (Ok, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt...BUT giving us your FULL NAME & LOCATION, would serve to alleviate this doubt). Keep in mind that NO ONE is promoting Suggamadex YET, since it's NOT FDA Approved at this point....or did you miss the memo on that?

The VAST MAJORITY of Anesthesiologists have independently researched this drug online and the direct feedback is that they WILL have a need for it AND eager to see it made available. THIS is without the Reps directly discussing it (which we are forbidden to do by FDA and Merck guidelines).

YOU are ONE Dr. amongst THOUSANDS...essentially YOU are the 1% who doesn't see a need for it

:::NEWSFLASH::: To this "so-called" Dr. (Ok, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt...BUT giving us your FULL NAME & LOCATION, would serve to alleviate this doubt). Keep in mind that NO ONE is promoting Suggamadex YET, since it's NOT FDA Approved at this point....or did you miss the memo on that?

The VAST MAJORITY of Anesthesiologists have independently researched this drug online and the direct feedback is that they WILL have a need for it AND eager to see it made available. THIS is without the Reps directly discussing it (which we are forbidden to do by FDA and Merck guidelines).

YOU are ONE Dr. amongst THOUSANDS...essentially YOU are the 1% who doesn't see a need for it

Besides the fact that you are just plain rude in your comments to this poster, whether or not he really is a doctor, you simply cannot expect any sane person to believe that there hasn't been any promotion of this product going on behind closed doors. You speak exactly like a marketing person, and I would bet a shiny penny that you have never actually carried the bag as a sales rep, because the first rule of thumb is that the customer is always right. You are not listening to your customer, here. You are only listening to the paid consultant doctors who have told you what you want to hear. Why else would you be claiming to have "direct feedback" on the drug and the "vast number" of doctors who are "eager to see it made available". Clearly you have been holding your market research meetings where you pay doctors as "consultants" for their input. Then you proceed to already have statistics on how many doctors amongst "thousands", see a need for this drug that you claim no one is out there already talking about. I am calling you out, buddy. You are a marketing dolt without an ounce of science to support your claims. To the previous doctor poster, I offer my apologies for the way this person "spoke" to you in their message, please know that the rest of us viewers on board appreciate your honest input and can learn a great deal from "real" doctor's opinions and not from the marketing pool of paid consultant doctors.

:::NEWSFLASH::: To this "so-called" Dr. (Ok, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt...BUT giving us your FULL NAME & LOCATION, would serve to alleviate this doubt). Keep in mind that NO ONE is promoting Suggamadex YET, since it's NOT FDA Approved at this point....or did you miss the memo on that?

The VAST MAJORITY of Anesthesiologists have independently researched this drug online and the direct feedback is that they WILL have a need for it AND eager to see it made available. THIS is without the Reps directly discussing it (which we are forbidden to do by FDA and Merck guidelines).

YOU are ONE Dr. amongst THOUSANDS...essentially YOU are the 1% who doesn't see a need for it

This post is so enlightening to the utter arrogance and disconnect of those in higher positions within this company. How juvenile to attack a poster (doctor or other HCP) without any regard to actual activities in the field. First off, there are MULTIPLE incidents of promotion of Sugga without FDA approval. Some at the suggestion of our superiors. Wouldn't surprise me if that is why we have yet another delay. I'll also add, that while most HCPs would love to have this product in their carts, the price will negate its availability. Bet the insiders are ignoring those comments within their surveys.

If the marketing dummy on here wants to know why so many of us that actually use these medications are on here, heres your answer. You google merck, anything about merck, Suggamadex, etc, your inside bulletin board site here is always at the top.

And nice attitude by the way, never realized industry people had such disdain for us.

If the marketing dummy on here wants to know why so many of us that actually use these medications are on here, heres your answer. You google merck, anything about merck, Suggamadex, etc, your inside bulletin board site here is always at the top.

And nice attitude by the way, never realized industry people had such disdain for us.

The lowly reps have respect for you in the trenches :) The mis-management hacks hate the salespeople as much if not more than they do the docs!

Just to let you know it is against the pharma guidelines to post on here as a health care provider. And the MR and LTR that is done is robust, verified and what matters. I am sure MLS is watching this. Your questions should be through a PIR via a MSL in a TLM. TYM. MM.

Just to let you know it is against the pharma guidelines to post on here as a health care provider. And the MR and LTR that is done is robust, verified and what matters. I am sure MLS is watching this. Your questions should be through a PIR via a MSL in a TLM. TYM. MM.

Are they going to charge me for the post and put it in the public view?
Screw all of you. I have the loan balance to prove I went through Medical school. It's my license to express whatever the hell I want.

Just to let you know it is against the pharma guidelines to post on here as a health care provider. And the MR and LTR that is done is robust, verified and what matters. I am sure MLS is watching this. Your questions should be through a PIR via a MSL in a TLM. TYM. MM.

What in the world are you trying to say here? Everyone knows that the pharma guidelines are simply voluntary and only apply for pharmaceutical companies who chose to participate. Not all pharmaceutical companies follow pharma guidelines, they are simply that: guidelines. They are not the "law", only guidelines. Period. Pharma guidelines don't dictate what a health care provider says or does, don't be silly.

Doctor, you are correct. Merck reps are completely clueless w/r to the use of anesthetic agents. That is because Merck has chosen to leave their reps ignorant and completely without training that would make then a resource that would be compelling to a clinician.

Merck legal has paralyzed this company and would rather have reps train themselves to avoid the risk of having them be competent, relevant and able to intelligently discuss anesthetic agents. Crazy, but true. They would rather leave the lone rep out their to learn from the street and the internet so as to minimize the risk of what they place on email to train effectively. Warped thinking, but what can you expect from unethical leadership that cannot think past their own title, paycheck and next promotion.

Add the fact that MOST headquarter personnel are simpering MBA politicians and lack any degree of market or clinical expertise and Oila have have placed more risk on the company than ever. Reps now train themselves, collect literature from Merck libraries and draw their own conclusions and marketing because there is no direction provided.

Works for leadership, they think nothing will ever land on them.

Didn't work out to well for Griffing or that other guy though.

It make me very nervous that we received no message w/r to the 9/20 meeting with the FDA.

That is ominous. If there was any shred of good news (holy shit man, they said hello to us) I think we would have been sent an MVX ???

Sugga will never see the light of day. Not a chance.

Merck is paying the price for its sins. You shouldn't lie to the FDA...or your patients...or your employees. If I were at the FDA, I'd be punishing us, too.

This post said it best.

The FDA is punishing us with the longest string of denials in FDA history. The patients are punishing us with the longest string of lawsuits in pharma history. The doctors are punishing us with a constantly-diving prescription count. And the employees are are punishing us by quitting in droves (at least the good ones), spending most of their time on their job searches and/or moonlighting to prepare for the coming/continuing reduction in headcount.

Frankly, Merck has made this bed and now they're forcing all of us to lie down in it.

FU Merck.

Let's face it, none of us gave this a chance in hell of getting approved. It's another awful product in a long lie (Ooops! Freudian slip)... line of awful products. We're better off not embarrassing ourselves with it anyhow.

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