And so it begins

Nice little article in "The Street" today saying Shire stock is going up because we are rumored to be being taken over. Shire hired lawyers to prevent "low bids".
Who else has merger/takeover/change fatigue?
First many of you worked for Baxter, then Baxalta, then Shire, and now you work for__BAMM -P
Big Ass Megga Merged Pharma.

Nice little article in "The Street" today saying Shire stock is going up because we are rumored to be being taken over. Shire hired lawyers to prevent "low bids".

Could it be one of these scenarios ---
1. Phlegm takes a vacation (which we know about coincidently from his psyco brag-rant email this morning), starts a desperate rumor to increase the 52-week low stock price, and when he returns to work the stock has gained enough that he buys himself one extra quarter before being fired?

2. Phlegm has already been terminated. Shire has decided to cut their losses, send Phlegm on an extended vacation ( his email to employees was just saving face to make you think he was happy and wanted the vacation. When he returns home he is gone! Come on, how many other CEOs would bother sending a message like that?) and when he returns home he will go on his merry way while Shire becomes a lost civilization. And he will act like he is happy about it!

3. WTF, It's just more change ????

Who even cares anymore or even bothers to think long-term about their Shire career. Being sold, fired, re-aligned or replaced by contract reps. Time to switch industries after our severance checks are cut

It can't possibly be a coincidence that Flem sent that email about his "vacation" on the same day the news articles about a rumored Shire takeover appeared. Flem is too calculating.

Was Pflem-Phlam on vacation or was he at meetings discussing the sale of the company?
Someone needs to fly out to the beach he's on immediately to see if he is really there. Oh wait, isn't the island he is on off the coast of Spain, not Africa? What's the name of that Spanish pharma? Almiral? Grifols? Is Flim Flam meeting with them at the beach club while his kids are taking the surfing lessons?

$20 billion by 2020 isn't going to happen and Flem thought he could buy his way there by buying Baxalta, Dynax and and others. Now Shire has to pay off $3 billion in short term notes. Nice Flem- Shire was debt free prior to you! Stupid decision after stupid decision. Real quick, Flem/Perry you want to know why Pediatrics is tanking because you keep screwing the sales force and good people keep leaving. You keep hiring outside RD's who are clueless about Vyvanse, disease state and the market. You hire all these primary care reps from other companies who walk in offices and hand out coupons and managed care cards and work from 10-3. Look at the south and gulf states, easiest markets to be in, virtually no barriers to get any drug and These reps can't keep up with market growth. Really!!!! And these are the reps going to PC and making bank...they are losing every day. Give these Zones real goals to meet and stop crushing the producing zones.