All talk NO money

Probably TD making the threats - he does the same on his stupid video messages to the field. I am at a much better company now and I am with a much better opportunity. You cannot grow a branded generic like Epiduo 45%. But they are way to arrogant to admit that and will simply blame the remaining sales people. The grass is so much greener once you leave this place. It has really gone down hill faster than anyone could have predicted during the last two years.

But at the sales meetings I am sure you will get some management platitudes from old Fra that he plagiarized from the latest management book and some crap about his latest watch or pics from his latest family vacation that was paid for on the back of the sales team that he and his little gang could care less about.

All talk and NO money is right on and the empty threats are nothing more than that. No leadership, no integrity no guts on the little people management team. That is the description of these people both literally and figuratively.

I wouldn't change a thing you wrote , I agree 100% . Why does Fray sit around with sales people showing off his shit or talking about his toys , I DON'T CARE , it just makes me think he is insecure and then I think he isn't a good leader . He is likeable but just so shallow .

I notice how the rest of the ' leadership ' click all hang together at meetings as they are too awkward to be around the sales people . Real shame this company doesn't have better people in place in Sales . At least some better talent is coming through in marketing and they are all new . Time to break down the cozy insiders club in Texas & move people out & replace from outside with fresh ideas & leadership.

I can think of two extremely socially inept leadership team clowns with a last name that begins with C that I'd let loose first .