Albert’s Email 10/13


Well, no one could have seen this coming. The moment it was announced over the summer in June that vaccines division was hiring over 120 new reps to "help handle the extensive workload," it was clear that a downsizing would be imminent. Four months to realize an expansion was a mistake that might be a new record. Here's to being quick and agile! Obviously, the whole company will be impacted, but the vaccines expansion was just plain stupid.

We are so inept. This will be more in a global scale for sure. Prob hit vaccines, but will most likely affect manufacturing more. But who knows, that would be common sense and we don’t seem to have any.

Typical. Send the email out late Friday afternoon, as not to impact mid week motivation. The expansion in Vaccines was a delusional pipe dream, and these executives need to be in touch with what is really happening out there. They are a bunch of morons. No wonder why the stock price is tanking.

So here’s the question. Have they finally realized this is a complicated business that requires serious strategy, thought and work? Or will they write another book about bold thinking and brave actions of taking the lowest effort path of firing “colleagues “?

Well, no one could have seen this coming. The moment it was announced over the summer in June that vaccines division was hiring over 120 new reps to "help handle the extensive workload," it was clear that a downsizing would be imminent. Four months to realize an expansion was a mistake that might be a new record. Here's to being quick and agile! Obviously, the whole company will be impacted, but the vaccines expansion was just plain stupid.

Not to mention the crazy summer fire drill to hire all those people in a 2 week period, training and the hassle of dividing peds customers out and disturbing relationships, etc.

Wonder if everyone in vaccines is going in the layoff pool with all new territory layouts and more disruption - or is it just first in, first out with the new people? I know what makes the most sense but the company won’t.

Timeline has to be soon. Beginning of December notification?

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